Explain the basic principles of hydraulics.
Describe the major components common to most fluid power systems.
Identify common hydraulic component symbols found on a hydraulic fluid flow diagram.
State the function of actuators associated with hydraulic fluid power systems.
Describe the operation of common linear actuators associated with hydraulic fluid power systems.
Describe the operation of system control valves used in hydraulic fluid power systems.
Describe the operation of valves commonly associated with the hydraulic fluid power systems.
Match valves to their functions in hydraulic fluid power systems.
State the purpose of accumulators used in hydraulic fluid power systems.
List the types of accumulators used in hydraulic fluid power systems.
Identify hydraulic fluid power system pumps.
Explain the operating principles of hydraulic fluid power system pumps.
Identify hydraulic fluid power pump applications.
Identify major steps required to perform hydraulic fluid power pump system routine maintenance.
Identify fluid power system motors.
Explain the operating principles of fluid power motors.
Identify fluid power system motor applications.
Describe the major steps required to perform fluid power system motor routine maintenance.
Identify fluids and additives used in hydraulic systems.
Describe the characteristics of the different fluids used in hydraulic systems.
Identify applications of fluids used in hydraulic systems.
Explain the functions of fluid power system reservoirs.
Explain the purpose of filters used in fluid power systems.
Explain the functions of hydraulic system heat exchangers.
Describe the proper use of fluid power system vendor's manuals.
Identify fluid power component malfunctions.
Identify fluid power system problems and remedies.
Locate various components of a fluid power system.
Explain the types of repairs made to selected fluid power system components.
Describe the major steps required in the replacement of parts and components in fluid power systems.
Describe the major steps required to replace selected fluid power components.
Explain the basic operation of the hydraulic system of the stacker reclaimer.
Explain the basic operation of the hydraulic system of the rotary car dumper.
Explain the basic operation of the hydraulic system associated with a bowl mill.
Explain basic fluid power system routine maintenance activities.