- Studio 5000 Logix Designer
- Tasks, programs, and routines
- Add-On Instructions
- Controller Organizer
- Logical Organizer
- Alarms
- Tag-based alarms
- Tag Editor and Data Monitor
- Configure settings for Tag Editor and Data Monitor
- Equipment phases
- Equipment Sequences
- Equipment Sequence Diagrams
- Ladder Editor
- Structured Text Editor
- Sequential Function Chart Editor
- Define the steps of an SFC process
- PlantPAx instruction properties
- Controller Properties
- Editing Controller Properties
- Controller Security
- Source Protection
- License Source Protection for Routines and Add-On Instructions
- Module Information
- 1756 ControlLogix I/O Modules
- Instruction Set
Module-defined Data Types (1756-DMA30)
Module-defined data type names vary for each module depending on the Communication Format you choose when you create a module. The tables below list and describe the module-defined data types created for the 1756-DMA30 module, according to the Communication Format chosen. This includes information for Input (as indicated by an "I") and Output (as indicated by an "O").
Module-defined Data Type: AB:DMA30_VELOCITYCONTROL:I:0
Comm Format: Velocity Control
Member Name | Bit in Previous Word | Data Type | Default Display Style | Drive Parameter | Description |
LogicStatus | DINT | Binary | 155 | Logic Status | |
Enabled | 0* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.0 | Enabled |
Running | 1* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.1 | Running |
CommandDir | 2* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.2 | Command Dir |
ActualDir | 3* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.3 | Actual Dir |
Accelerating | 4 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.4 | Accelerating |
Decelerating | 5 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.5 | Decelerating |
Jogging | 6 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.6 | Jogging |
Faulted | 7* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.7 | Faulted |
Alarm | 8* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.8 | Alarm |
FlashMode | 9* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.9 | Flash Mode |
RunReady | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.10 | Run Ready |
AtLimit | 11 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.11 | At Limit |
TachLossSw | 12 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.12 | Tach Loss Sw |
AtZeroSpd | 13 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.13 | At Zero Spd |
AtSetptSpd | 14 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.14 | At Setpt Spd |
AtSetpt1 | 16 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.16 | At Setpt 1 |
AboveSetpt2 | 17 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.17 | Above Setpt2 |
MCEnAck | 18 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.18 | MC En Ack |
MCCommis | 19 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.19 | MC Commis |
SpdCommis | 20 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.20 | Spd Commis |
TorqueMode | 22 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.22 | Torque Mode |
SpeedMode | 23 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.23 | Speed Mode |
PositionMode | 24 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.24 | PositionMode |
StartActive | 25 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.25 | Start Active |
CommandRun | 26 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.26 | Command Run |
FilteredSpdFdbk | REAL | Float | 71 | Indicates the value of the filtered speed feedback. The filter time constants are controlled by parameters 93 and 94. | |
MotorTorqueRef | REAL | Float | 303 | Use Motor Torque Ref to view the calculated value of motor torque as determined by the drive. The actual value of the motor torque is within 5% of this value. This data is updated every 2 milliseconds. | |
OutputCurrent | REAL** | Float | 308 | Use Motor Current to view the actual RMS value of the motor current as determined from the LEM current sensors. This data is averaged and updated every 50 milliseconds. | |
MCFaults | DINT | Binary | 2122 | MC Faults | |
DCBusOvVlt | 0 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.0 | DC Bus OvVlt |
DCBusOvCur | 1 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.1 | DC Bus OvCur |
GroundFlt | 2 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.2 | Ground Flt |
InstOvrCurr | 3 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.3 | Inst Ovr Curr |
InvPwrSupp | 4 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.4 | Inv Pwr Supp |
DCBusTimout | 6 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.6 | DC Bus-Timout |
PwrModOvTmp | 7 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.7 | Pwr-Mod OvTmp |
TachWireOpn | 8 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.8 | TachWire_Opn |
ResolverCard | 9 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.9 | ResolverCard |
OverSpeed | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.10 | OverSpeed |
PwrTechCard | 11 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.11 | PwrTech_Card |
PMIBus | 13 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.13 | PMI Bus |
PMICommLoss | 15 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.15 | PMI CommLoss |
MCWarnings | DINT | Binary | 2123 | MC Warnings | |
DCBusOVlt | 0 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.0 | DC Bus O-Vlt |
DCBusUnVlt | 1 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.1 | DC Bus Un-Vlt |
GroundCur | 2 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.2 | Ground Cur |
DCBusRpple | 3 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.3 | DC Bus Rpple |
CurrRefLim | 4 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.4 | Curr Ref Lim |
IDTestAbort | 5 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.5 | ID Test-Abort |
LoadSharing | 6 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.6 | Load Sharing |
PwrModOTmp | 7 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.7 | PwrMod OTmp |
BadCfgData | 8 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.8 | Bad Cfg Data |
VectorAlign | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.10 | Vector Align |
PMIFanLoss | 12 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.12 | PMI Fan Loss |
RailIOCom | 13 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.13 | Rail I/O Com |
PMICommSync | 14 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.14 | PMI Comm-Sync |
PMIComm | 15 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.15 | PMI Comm |
UserDefinedRealData | REAL[5] | Float | User-defined | User-defined Real Data | |
UserDefinedIntegerData | DINT[5] | Decimal | User-defined | User-defined Integer Data |
* Location of these bits are fixed for DPI.
** Decimal number displayed as 10x actual value (e.g., 15 represents 1.5 amps).
Module-defined Data Type: AB:DMA30_VELOCITYCONTROL:O:0
Comm Format: Velocity Control
Member Name | Bit in Previous Word | Data Type | Default Display Style | Drive Parameter | Description |
LogicCommand | DINT | Binary | 151 | Logic Command | |
SpdRampDsbl | 0 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.0 | SpdRamp Dsbl |
SpdSCrvEn | 1 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.1 | Spd S Crv En |
TachLossRst | 2 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.2 | TachLoss Rst |
TimeAxisEn | 3 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.3 | Time Axis En |
MCAtuneEn | 4 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.4 | MC Atune En |
MtrInertEn | 8 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.8 | Mtr Inert En |
SysInertEn | 9 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.9 | Sys Inert En |
InertiaComp | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.10 | Inertia Comp |
FrictComp | 11 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.11 | Frict Comp |
ProcsTrimEn | 12 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.12 | ProcsTrim En |
NormalStop | 16 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Normal Stop |
Start | 17 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Start |
Jog1 | 18 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Jog 1 |
ClearFault | 19 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Clear Fault |
UnipolFwd | 20 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Unipol Fwd |
UnipolRev | 21 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Unipol Rev |
Jog2 | 23 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Jog 2 |
CurrLimStop | 24 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | CurrLim Stop |
CoastStop | 25 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Coast Stop |
PositionEn | 26 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Position En |
SpeedRef1 | REAL | Float | 10 | Speed Ref 1 | |
TorqueRef1 | REAL | Float | 111 | Torque Ref 1 | |
SpdTorqModeSel | DINT | Decimal | 110 | Spd/Torq Mode Sel | |
TorqueStep | REAL | Float | 116 | Torque Step | |
SpdRegDroop | REAL | Float | 86 | Spd Reg Droop | |
UserDefinedRealData | REAL[5] | Float | User-defined | User-defined Real Data | |
UserDefinedIntegerData | DINT[5] | Decimal | User-defined | User-defined Integer Data |
* Logic parser output is mapped to parameter 152, bits 16-31.
Module-defined Data Type: AB:DMA30_POSITIONCONTROL:I:0
Comm Format: Position Control
Member Name | Bit in Previous Word | Data Type | Default Display Style | Drive Parameter | Description |
LogicStatus | DINT | Binary | 155 | Logic Status | |
Enabled | 0* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.0 | Enabled |
Running | 1* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.1 | Running |
CommandDir | 2* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.2 | Command Dir |
ActualDir | 3* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.3 | Actual Dir |
Accelerating | 4 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.4 | Accelerating |
Decelerating | 5 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.5 | Decelerating |
Jogging | 6 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.6 | Jogging |
Faulted | 7* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.7 | Faulted |
Alarm | 8* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.8 | Alarm |
FlashMode | 9* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.9 | Flash Mode |
RunReady | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.10 | Run Ready |
AtLimit | 11 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.11 | At Limit |
TachLossSw | 12 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.12 | Tach Loss Sw |
AtZeroSpd | 13 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.13 | At Zero Spd |
AtSetptSpd | 14 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.14 | At Setpt Spd |
AtSetpt1 | 16 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.16 | At Setpt 1 |
AboveSetpt2 | 17 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.17 | Above Setpt2 |
MCEnAck | 18 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.18 | MC En Ack |
MCCommis | 19 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.19 | MC Commis |
SpdCommis | 20 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.20 | Spd Commis |
TorqueMode | 22 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.22 | Torque Mode |
SpeedMode | 23 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.23 | Speed Mode |
PositionMode | 24 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.24 | PositionMode |
StartActive | 25 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.25 | Start Active |
CommandRun | 26 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.26 | Command Run |
FilteredSpdFdbk | REAL | Float | 71 | Filtered SpdFdbk | |
MotorTorqueRef | REAL | Float | 303 | Motor Torque Ref | |
OutputCurrent | REAL** | Float | 308 | Output Current | |
MCFaults | DINT | Binary | 2122 | MC Faults | |
DCBusOvVlt | 0 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.0 | DC Bus OvVlt |
DCBusOvCur | 1 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.1 | DC Bus OvCur |
GroundFlt | 2 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.2 | Ground Flt |
InstOvrCurr | 3 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.3 | Inst Ovr Curr |
InvPwrSupp | 4 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.4 | Inv Pwr Supp |
DCBusTimout | 6 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.6 | DC Bus-Timout |
PwrModOvTmp | 7 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.7 | Pwr-Mod OvTmp |
TachWireOpn | 8 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.8 | TachWire_Opn |
ResolverCard | 9 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.9 | ResolverCard |
OverSpeed | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.10 | OverSpeed |
PwrTechCard | 11 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.11 | PwrTech_Card |
PMIBus | 13 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.13 | PMI Bus |
PMICommLoss | 15 | BOOL | Decimal | 2122.15 | PMI CommLoss |
MCWarnings | DINT | Decimal | 2123 | MC Warnings | |
DCBusOVlt | 0 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.0 | DC Bus O-Vlt |
DCBusUnVlt | 1 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.1 | DC Bus Un-Vlt |
GroundCur | 2 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.2 | Ground Cur |
DCBusRpple | 3 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.3 | DC Bus Rpple |
CurrRefLim | 4 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.4 | Curr Ref Lim |
IDTestAbort | 5 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.5 | ID Test-Abort |
LoadSharing | 6 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.6 | Load Sharing |
PwrModOTmp | 7 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.7 | PwrMod OTmp |
BadCfgData | 8 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.8 | Bad Cfg Data |
VectorAlign | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.10 | Vector Align |
PMIFanLoss | 12 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.12 | PMI Fan Loss |
RailIOCom | 13 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.13 | Rail I/O Com |
PMICommSync | 14 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.14 | PMI Comm-Sync |
PMIComm | 15 | BOOL | Decimal | 2123.15 | PMI Comm |
MtrPositFdbk | DINT | Decimal | 762 | Mtr Posit Fdbk | |
ActMotorPosit | DINT | Decimal | 763 | Act Motor Posit | |
PositionStatus | DINT | Binary | 741 | Position Status | |
XIGainLLim | 0 | BOOL | Decimal | 741.0 | X IGain LLim |
XIGainHLim | 1 | BOOL | Decimal | 741.1 | X IGain HLim |
XSpdLLim | 2 | BOOL | Decimal | 741.2 | X Spd LLim |
XSpdHLim | 3 | BOOL | Decimal | 741.3 | X Spd HLim |
PositWatch1 | 8 | BOOL | Decimal | 741.8 | Posit Watch1 |
PositWatch2 | 9 | BOOL | Decimal | 741.9 | Posit Watch2 |
InPosition | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 741.10 | In Position |
PositionError | DINT | Decimal | 769 | Position Error | |
UserDefinedRealData | REAL[4] | Float | User-defined | User-defined Real Data | |
UserDefinedIntegerData | DINT[2] | Decimal | User-defined | User-defined Integer Data |
* Location of these bits are fixed for DPI.
** Decimal number displayed as 10x actual value (e.g., 15 represents 1.5 amps).
Module-defined Data Type: AB: DMA30_POSITIONCONTROL:O:0
Comm Format: Position Control
Member Name | Bit in Previous Word | Data Type | Default Display Style | Drive Parameter | Description |
LogicCommand | DINT | Binary | 151 | Logic Command | |
SpdRampDsbl | 0 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.0 | SpdRamp Dsbl |
SpdSCrvEn | 1 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.1 | Spd S Crv En |
TachLossRst | 2 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.2 | TachLoss Rst |
TimeAxisEn | 3 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.3 | Time Axis En |
MCAtuneEn | 4 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.4 | MC Atune En |
MtrInertEn | 8 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.8 | Mtr Inert En |
SysInertEn | 9 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.9 | Sys Inert En |
InertiaComp | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.10 | Inertia Comp |
FrictComp | 11 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.11 | Frict Comp |
ProcsTrimEn | 12 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.12 | ProcsTrim En |
NormalStop | 16 | BOOL | Decimal | *Logic Parser | Normal Stop |
Start | 17 | BOOL | Decimal | *Logic Parser | Start |
Jog1 | 18 | BOOL | Decimal | *Logic Parser | Jog 1 |
ClearFault | 19 | BOOL | Decimal | *Logic Parser | Clear Fault |
UnipolFwd | 20 | BOOL | Decimal | *Logic Parser | Unipol Fwd |
UnipolRev | 21 | BOOL | Decimal | *Logic Parser | Unipol Rev |
Jog2 | 23 | BOOL | Decimal | *Logic Parser | Jog 2 |
CurrLimStop | 24 | BOOL | Decimal | *Logic Parser | CurrLim Stop |
CoastStop | 25 | BOOL | Decimal | *Logic Parser | Coast Stop |
PositionEn | 26 | BOOL | Decimal | *Logic Parser | Position En |
SpeedRef1 | REAL | Float | 10 | Speed Ref 1 | |
TorqueRef1 | REAL | Float | 111 | Torque Ref 1 | |
SpdTorqModeSel | DINT | Decimal | 110 | Spd/Torq ModeSel | |
TorqueStep | REAL | Float | 116 | Torque Step | |
SpdRegDroop | REAL | Float | 86 | Spd Reg Droop | |
PositionControl | DINT | Binary | 740 | Position Control | |
SpeedOutEn | 1 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.1 | Speed Out En |
IntegEn | 2 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.2 | Integ En |
IntegHold | 3 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.3 | Integ Hold |
XOffsetPol | 4 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.4 | X Offset Pol |
XOffsetRef | 5 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.5 | X Offset Ref |
ActPositRst | 6 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.6 | ActPosit Rst |
PtPtReRef | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.10 | Pt-Pt ReRef |
InterpRev | 13 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.13 | Interp Rev |
XWatch1En | 16 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.16 | X Watch1 En |
XWatch1Dir | 17 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.17 | X Watch1 Dir |
XWatch2En | 18 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.18 | X Watch2 En |
XWatch2Dir | 19 | BOOL | Decimal | 740.19 | X Watch2 Dir |
CoarsePositTrgt | DINT | Decimal | 748 | CoarsePosit Trgt | |
PtPtPositRef | DINT | Decimal | 758 | Pt-Pt Posit Ref | |
PositRefSel | DINT | Decimal | 742 | Posit Ref Sel | |
PositOffset1 | DINT | Decimal | 753 | Posit Offset 1 | |
UserDefinedRealData | REAL[5] | Float | User-defined | User-defined Real Data | |
UserDefinedIntegerData | DINT[5] | Decimal | User-defined | User-defined Integer Data |
* The output from the Logic Parser is mapped to parameter 152, bits 16-31.
Module-defined Data Type: AB: DMA30_GENERIC:I:0
Comm Format: User-defined Control
Member Name | Bit in Previous Word | Data Type | Default Display Style | Drive Parameter | Description |
LogicStatus | DINT | Binary | 155 | Logic Status | |
Enabled | 0* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.0 | Enabled |
Running | 1* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.1 | Running |
CommandDir | 2* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.2 | Command Dir |
ActualDir | 3* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.3 | Actual Dir |
Accelerating | 4 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.4 | Accelerating |
Decelerating | 5 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.5 | Decelerating |
Jogging | 6 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.6 | Jogging |
Faulted | 7* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.7 | Faulted |
Alarm | 8* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.8 | Alarm |
FlashMode | 9* | BOOL | Decimal | 155.9 | Flash Mode |
RunReady | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.10 | Run Ready |
AtLimit | 11 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.11 | At Limit |
TachLossSw | 12 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.12 | Tach Loss Sw |
AtZeroSpd | 13 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.13 | At Zero Spd |
AtSetptSpd | 14 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.14 | At Setpt Spd |
AtSetpt1 | 16 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.16 | At Setpt 1 |
AboveSetpt2 | 17 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.17 | Above Setpt2 |
MCEnAck | 18 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.18 | MC En Ack |
MCCommis | 19 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.19 | MC Commis |
SpdCommis | 20 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.20 | Spd Commis |
TorqueMode | 22 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.22 | Torque Mode |
SpeedMode | 23 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.23 | Speed Mode |
PositionMode | 24 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.24 | PositionMode |
StartActive | 25 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.25 | Start Active |
CommandRun | 26 | BOOL | Decimal | 155.26 | Command Run |
UserDefinedRealData | REAL[12] | Float | User-defined | User-defined Real Data | |
UserDefinedIntegerData | DINT[3] | Decimal | User-defined | User-defined Integer Data |
* Location of these bits are fixed for DPI.
Module-defined Data Type: AB:DMA30_GENERIC:O:0
Comm Format: User-defined
Member Name | Bit in Previous Word | Data Type | Default Display Style | Drive Parameter | Description |
LogicCommand | DINT | Binary | 151 | Logic Command | |
SpdRampDsbl | 0 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.0 | SpdRamp Dsbl |
SpdSCrvEn | 1 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.1 | Spd S Crv En |
TachLossRst | 2 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.2 | TachLoss Rst |
TimeAxisEn | 3 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.3 | Time Axis En |
MCAtuneEn | 4 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.4 | MC Atune En |
MtrInertEn | 8 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.8 | Mtr Inert En |
SysInertEn | 9 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.9 | Sys Inert En |
InertiaComp | 10 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.10 | Inertia Comp |
FrictComp | 11 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.11 | Frict Comp |
ProcsTrimEn | 12 | BOOL | Decimal | 151.12 | ProcsTrim En |
NormalStop | 16 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Normal Stop |
Start | 17 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Start |
Jog1 | 18 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Jog 1 |
ClearFault | 19 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Clear Fault |
UnipolFwd | 20 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Unipol Fwd |
UnipolRev | 21 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Unipol Rev |
Jog2 | 23 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Jog 2 |
CurrLimStop | 24 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | CurrLim Stop |
CoastStop | 25 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Coast Stop |
PositionEn | 26 | BOOL | Decimal | * Logic Parser | Position En |
UserDefinedRealData | REAL[12] | Float | User-defined | User-defined Real Data | |
UserDefinedIntegerData | DINT[3] | Decimal | User-defined | User-defined Integer Data |
* Logic parser output is mapped to parameter 152, bits 16-31.
Module-defined Data Type: AB: DMA30_CUSTOMUSER_DEFINED:I:0
Comm Format: Custom User-defined Control
Member Name | Data Type | Default Display Style | Drive Parameter | Description |
LogicStatus | DINT | Binary | 155 | Logic Status |
UserDefinedRealData | REAL[8] | Float | User-defined | User-defined Real Data |
UserDefinedIntegerData | DINT[7] | Decimal | User-defined | User-defined Integer Data |
Module-defined Data Type: AB: DMA30_CUSTOMUSER_DEFINED:O:0
Comm Format: Custom User-defined Control
Member Name | Data Type | Default Display Style | Drive Parameter | Description |
LogicCommand | DINT | Binary | 151 | Logic Command |
UserDefinedRealData | REAL[8] | Float | User-defined | User-defined Real Data |
UserDefinedIntegerData | DINT[7] | Decimal | User-defined | User-defined Integer Data |
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