Instruction Properties Dialog - Parameters Tab Overview

Use the
Instruction Properties
Dialog box for Add-On Instructions to:
  • Set and monitor parameter values.
  • View a listing of all of the parameters associated with the selected Add-On Instruction.
  • Configure what parameter pins appear on the block for the Add-On Instruction in the Function Block Diagram.
The dialog box is also available in Ladder Diagram, Structured Text, and Function Block Diagram.
The attributes on the
tab are:
Input/Output Row Header
An I at the start of a row indicates an Input parameter; an O indicates an Output parameter; and IO indicates an InOut parameter. An asterisk appears in this column to indicate that changes have been made to a parameter that have not yet been applied.
Set whether an Input or Output parameter is visible on the face of the Function Block Diagram and, thereby, overriding the Add-On Instruction Definition’s Visibility configuration.
Note the following conditions:
  • If an Input or Output parameter is defined as Required in the Add-On Instruction Definition, it must be visible and, therefore, this box is checked and read-only.
  • If an Input or Output parameter is visible in the Function Block Diagram and its pin is wired, the check box is read-only. The wire must be deleted before you can make the parameter not visible.
  • InOut parameters are required, so they are always visible and, therefore, the box is always checked and read-only.
  • This field also appears dimmed when the dialog box is launched from within an Add-On Instruction and the following conditions exist:
    • That Add-On Instruction’s data context is set to something other than the definition.
    • The Add-On Instruction is source-protected.
  • This override is not provided for Ladder Diagram Logic, Structured Text, or Sequential Function Chart calls.
Parameters are shown, by default, in the same order they are defined in the Add-On Instruction Definition. InOut parameters that are structures or arrays can be expanded to display their members. This field is read-only.
You can quickly expand and collapse all members by pressing Ctrl and +.  This toggles the expand and collapse state of the tag.
Monitor and edit the values for Input, Output, and InOut parameters. The column is labeled Default and contains the default values when launched from within an Add-On Instruction and its Add-On Instruction’s data context is set to <definition>.
The field contains Default when the dialog box is launched from within an Add-On Instruction and that Add-On Instruction’s data context is set to <definition>.
Note the following conditions.
  • If a visible parameter's pin is wired in a Function Block Diagram routine, its Value field is read-only.
  • If an InOut parameter is not properly mapped to an argument, the value shows as undefined (??).
  • Forces, which are based on the associated argument, display for I/O based InOut parameters.
  • This field also appears dimmed when this dialog box is launched from within an Add-On Instruction and the following conditions exist:
    • That Add-On Instruction’s data context is set to definition and online.
    • The Add-On Instruction’s data context is set to definition and the Add-On Instruction is source-protected.
The Argument column displays the argument (if any) passed to the parameter. This field is read-only.
  • If there is not an argument defined for a parameter, it shows "<not specified>"
  • If the argument is the wrong type for a parameter, it shows "<datatype mismatch>"
  • If there is an argument and the tag is not defined, it shows "<not valid>"
    TIP: If the tag associated with an AOI parameter is being indirectly addressed, it will show as "<not valid>" but the logic will verify and the indirect addressing should work as expected.
Data Type
Displays the Parameters data type. This field is read-only.
Displays the Parameters description. This field is read-only.
Sort Parameters
Select this box to temporarily sort the parameters alphabetically. You can sort the Name, Data Type and Description columns by choosing Sort from the Column Header popup menu. You can also do this by double-clicking on the column header cell, to alternate between ascending and descending. The box is unchecked, by default.
Include Tag Members in Sorting
When the
Sort Parameter
box is checked, you can include the tag members in your sort by choosing
Include Tag Members in Sorting
from the
Column Header
popup menu. You can also click the
Tag Member Sort
button (TMS button) to toggle between including and excluding tag members in the sort. When you are excluding the tag members in the sort, the tag members are sorted in memory layout order.
Sort Parameter
box must be checked to sort parameters and tag members.
The tag member sort does not apply to bit members of DINT, INT, SINT, and Array tags. These tag members are always displayed in memory layout order.
Insert Instruction Defaults
Click this button to retrieve the saved instruction values and visibility settings for this type of instruction and insert them in this dialog box and the associated instance tag.
If any of the defaults are read-only, they are not overwritten by the saved defaults.
This button is unavailable when this dialog box is launched from within an Add-On Instruction and the following conditions exist:
  • That Add-On Instruction’s data context is set to something other than the definition.
  • The Add-On Instruction is source-protected.
Insert Definition Defaults
Click on this button to reset the visibility settings and default values to those defined by the Add-On Instruction Definition.
If any of the defaults are read-only, they are not overwritten by the saved defaults.
This button is unavailable when this dialog box is launched from within an Add-On Instruction and the following conditions exist:
  • That Add-On Instruction’s data context is set to something other than the definition.
  • The Add-On Instruction is source-protected.
Save Instruction Defaults
Click on this button to save the current instruction values and visibility settings as the defaults for this type of instruction. Read-only values are also stored. This does not change the Default values in the Add-On Instruction Definition.
Execution Order Number
For Add-On Instruction calls in the Function Block Diagram, an execution order number is assigned. This execution order number also displays on the Function Block Diagram Instruction Properties dialog box. If the routine has not been verified, the execution order number does not display.
Never Display Description in a Routine
Check if you do not want the description to display for Add-On Instruction calls in the Function Block Diagram.
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