Find all Logic References to a Tag

Cross Reference
window helps locate where the logic references tags and memory. View the hierarchy of aliases that may refer to a memory location or base tag. To access the
Cross Referenc
e window, from the
menu, choose
Cross Reference
. The
Cross Reference
window appears, displaying the
By Logic
To find all Logic References to a Tag:
  1. For the
    field, choose
  2. Choose the scope of the tag to Cross Reference.
  3. Choose the tag name to Cross Reference.
    Enter a specific tag name or choose one from the list.
    A list of logic references to the specified tag displays in tabular format. The list contains an entry for each reference to the specified tag, in every instruction, of every rung, of every routine in the project file. Also included in the list are references from SFC, FBD, and ST.
  4. From the
    field, select the filter to limit the type of tags that appear.
    Choose from:
    • Show All - display all cross references for the selected tag (default)
    • Destructive - display only destructive references for the selected tag
    • Non-destructive - display only non-destructive references for the selected tag
    • Reference - display a list of tags that reference the selected tag; filter the view to show a specific tag
    • Program - display tags used in a specific program
    • Routine - display tags used in a specific routine
    • Instruction - display tags that are used by a specific instruction
      This filter only works for tags in the By Logic view; any other view disables this selection.
Only one filter is in effect at one time.
Search multiple tags by typing in the first few letters of a tag and the wildcard character
at the end. For example, type the letters
to display cross reference information for all tags beginning with letters
Select the column headers to sort the information in ascending order.
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