Change FBD Editor Preferences
To change FBD Editor preferences
- From theToolsmenu, chooseOptions.
- Click theFBD Editorin theWorkstations Optionsdialog box. You can also selectFile > Print Options >FBD Listing.
- Select theShow Cross Reference Gridcheck box to display dashed lines in the routine view to indicate the grid boundaries.
- Select or clear theShow Text Boxescheck box to display or hide text boxes in the FBD Editor and in FBD reports.This check box only appears in theWorkstation Optionsdialog box.
- ChooseJustification(that is, Left, Center, or Right) andWord Wrappreferences.This check box only appears in theWorkstation Optionsdialog box.
- Select or clear theWord Wrapcheck box:
- If cleared, an FBD text box adjusts its vertical and horizontal size automatically based on the text entered.
- If selected, the user manually adjusts the size of the text box, which affects where words are wrapped.
- Under theLanguage Element Displayheading, configure the following parameters:
- Select or clear theShow Execution Ordercheck box to display or hide the execution order number in the upper left corner of each block.
- Select or clear theShow Tag Descriptioncheck box to display or hide tag descriptions in the Function Block Editor.
- Select or clear theShow Language Element Descriptioncheck box to display or hide function block descriptions in the Function Block Editor.
- Select or clear theShow Values of Input Pinscheck box to display or hide the values associated with the input pins in the Function Block Editor.TIP: Values do not appear on the input pins for Function Block functions such as ADD, SUB, and MUL. If the display of values on input pins is vital for a project, replace functions with traditional math, compare, or move instructions.
- If theShow Values of Input Pinscheck box is selected, select theUnwired Pins Onlycheck box to configure the FBD Editor to show values only for unwired inputs.
- Select or clearShow Values of FBD Function OutputPinsto display or hide the values associated with the output pins on FBD functions in the Function Block Editor.
- Select theShow Tag Alias Informationcheck box to display information on alias tags.
- Use theTag Formattingsettings to configure the appearance of tag names:
- SelectWrapto wrap the text of tag names onto another line.
- SelectTruncate Left,Center, orRightto cut off very long tag names on the left side of the name, at the center of the name, or on the right side of the name. For example, using the default settingTruncate Right, a tag namedLongVeryLongExtraLongTagNamewould be displayed asLongVeryLongExtraLon...
- Use theMaximum Characterssetting to configure the maximum length of a tag name before the name is wrapped or truncated.
- Select or clear theShow Add-On Instruction Signature IDcheck box to display the Signature ID on the bottom-center of the instruction, just outside of the drawn instruction boundary, or hidden. Selecting this check box also sets the Signature ID display on the Ladder Editor.
- SelectOKto accept changes and close theWorkstation Optionsdialog box.
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