Change SFC Editor > Display Preferences

Use the
Workstation Options
dialog box to customize the behavior and appearance of the Logix Designer application. The
parameter contains a list of all configurable options categories.
To change SFC Editor > Display preferences:
  1. From the
    menu, choose
  2. In the
    Workstation Options
    dialog box, click the
    SFC Editor >Display
  3. To display sheet boundaries in the SFC Editor, select the
    Show Sheet Boundaries
    check box.
    If selected, when the SFC editor has more than one sheet at a time, a solid line appears in the routine view to indicate the boundaries between sheets. The sheet boundaries represent where page breaks occur when printing the routine. This is based upon the configured sheet size for the routine (on the Sheet Layout tab of the routine properties). Showing the sheet boundaries in the routine view allows positioning elements appropriately so they are not split and printed across multiple pages.
  4. To display dashed lines in the routine view to indicate the grid boundaries, select the
    Show Cross Reference Grid
    check box.
  5. To display free-form comments in the routine editor window, select the
    Show Text Boxes
  6. (optional) Configure the text box display settings:
    • In
      Justification c
      hoose the alignment for the comments text box, either
      , or
    • Select or clear the
      Word Wrap
      check box, based on your preferences:
      If cleared, an SFC text box adjusts its vertical and horizontal size automatically based on the text entered.
      If selected, determine the size of the text box , which in turn affects where words are wrapped.
  7. Under the
    Language Element Display
    heading, configure the following parameters:
    • Select the
      Show Description Boxes
      check box to show element descriptions in the routine window. Clear the box to hide element descriptions.
      For steps, transitions, and stop elements, use the
      Never Show Description
      command to turn off descriptions for an individual sequential function chart language element (select the
      Description Box Display
      option in the workstation options). However, if the
      Description Box Display
      workstation option is turned off, the
      Never Show Description
      command has no effect.
    • If
      Show Description Boxes
      is selected, select the
      Use Tag Description Display Width
      setting from the
      Application Display
      category check box to limit the text box containing the tag comments to a predetermined line width (a set number of characters per line). This option is useful if using these descriptions with other applications.
    • Select the
      Show Tag Alias Information
      option to show base tag information below an element name that is an alias tag.
  8. Click
    to accept the changes and close the
    Workstation Options
    dialog, or click any other category to continue configuring the workstation options.
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