Creating/Configuring a Module (1734-232ASC, -485ASC; 1738-232ASC, -485ASC)
Use this tab to create/view module properties for the 1734-232ASC and 1738-232ASC ASCII Interface modules, and the 1734-485ASC and 1738-485ASC RS485 ASCII modules. To use these modules, the parent module must be a 1734-ACNR or 1738-ACNR ControlNet adapter, respectively.
The first three parameters on this tab are read-only. These parameters provide:
- Type and description of the module being created.
- Vendor of the module being created.
- Name of the parent module (typically a 1756-CNB module or a 1788-CNC module).
To create an adapter
- InName, enter the name for this adapter.Use an IEC 61131-3 compliant name. This field is required; if the field is incomplete an error message appears when exiting this tab. An error message displays if a duplicate name is detected, or an invalid character entered. If the maximum allowable name length is exceeded, the software ignores extra character(s).
- InDescription, enter a description for the adapter (optional), up to 128 characters.Use any printable character in this field. If the maximum length is exceeded, the software ignores any extra character(s).
- From theComm Formatlist, choose the communication formats: non-I/O modules used between the module and the controller.Choose from:
- Data (default)
- Listen-Only - Data
- NoneWhen choosing a communication format, the configuration formats for the module are also defined.TIP:Once created, the communication format of a module cannot change. To change configuration, delete and recreate the module.
- Choose theSlotnumber for the module. Select either Slot 1 or the value of the chassis size specified on theGeneraltab.Upon module creation, this field defaults to the first-available slot position.
- From theElectronic Keyingmenu, choose the keying option you wish to use for this module.
- InInput Size, select the number of 8-bit input words required for communication with the module. Values range from 1 to 128. The Default is 24.
- In theOutput Sizefield, select the number of 8-bit output words required for communication with the module. Values range from 1 to 128. The Default is 24.
- View status information if you wish.
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