Creating/Configuring a Module (1734-232ASC, -485ASC; 1738-232ASC, -485ASC)

Use this tab to create/view module properties for the 1734-232ASC and 1738-232ASC ASCII Interface modules, and the 1734-485ASC and 1738-485ASC RS485 ASCII modules. To use these modules, the parent module must be a 1734-ACNR or 1738-ACNR ControlNet adapter, respectively.
The first three parameters on this tab are read-only. These parameters provide:
  • Type and description of the module being created.
  • Vendor of the module being created.
  • Name of the parent module (typically a 1756-CNB module or a 1788-CNC module).
To create an adapter
  1. In
    , enter the name for this adapter.
    Use an IEC 61131-3 compliant name. This field is required; if the field is incomplete an error message appears when exiting this tab. An error message displays if a duplicate name is detected, or an invalid character entered. If the maximum allowable name length is exceeded, the software ignores extra character(s).
  2. In
    , enter a description for the adapter (optional), up to 128 characters.
    Use any printable character in this field. If the maximum length is exceeded, the software ignores any extra character(s).
  3. From the
    Comm Format
    list, choose the communication formats: non-I/O modules used between the module and the controller.
    Choose from:
    • Data (default)
    • Listen-Only - Data
    • None
      When choosing a communication format, the configuration formats for the module are also defined.
      Once created, the communication format of a module cannot change. To change configuration, delete and recreate the module.
  4. Choose the
    number for the module. Select either Slot 1 or the value of the chassis size specified on the
    Upon module creation, this field defaults to the first-available slot position.
  5. From the
    Electronic Keying
    menu, choose the keying option you wish to use for this module.
  6. In
    Input Size
    , select the number of 8-bit input words required for communication with the module. Values range from 1 to 128. The Default is 24.
  7. In the
    Output Size
    field, select the number of 8-bit output words required for communication with the module. Values range from 1 to 128. The Default is 24.
  8. View status information if you wish.
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