Module Properties Dialog Box - SERCOS Interface Info Tab Overview (1756-M03SE, -M08SE, -M16SE; 1768-M04SE; 1784-PM16SE)

Use this tab to monitor the SERCOS ring of an online 1756-M03SE, 1756-M08SE, 1756-M16SE, 1768-M04SE, or 1784-PM16SE motion module.
Ring Comm. Phase
Displays the communications phase of the SERCOS ring:
  • 0 - Ring Integrity
  • 1 - Polling
  • 2 - Identity
  • 3 - Configuration
  • 4 - Cyclic communication
Fault Type
Displays the current fault type, if any, on the SERCOS ring. Values include:
  • No Fault
  • Open Ring
  • Not communicating
  • Not responding
  • Timing error
  • Duplicate node
  • Excess nodes on Ring
  • Invalid data rate
  • Invalid cycle time
Detected Baud Rate
Displays the baud rate for the SERCOS ring.
Select this button to update this page. This information does not refresh automatically.
Create Wizard
These fields are displayed only if you are viewing this tab through the Create wizard.
Select this button to view the next Create wizard page.
Select this button to view the previous Create wizard page.
Select this button to close the Create wizard.
Status Names
These fields are displayed only if you are viewing this tab through the module properties sheets.
Displays the status the controller has about the module.
Status Name
a transient state that occurs when shutting down
unable to communicate with the module. When the status is Faulted, the Connection tab displays the fault.
a transient state that occurs before connecting to the module
a state that occurs while the connection(s) are being established to the module
the module is communicating and everything is working as expected
Shutting Down
the connections are closing
the connection to the module is inhibited
a connection to this module has not yet been made due to one of the following:
  • its parent has not yet made a connection to it
  • its parent is inhibited
  • its parent is faulted
you are not online
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