Configure temperature controls
Create Label, Textbox, and Linear gauge objects to visualize and control the temperature variable.
- InProject view, double-clickPage1 (type).
- Right-clickPage1 (type)and select .
- InProperties, setTexttoTemperature:.
- InProject view, right-clickPage1 (type)and select .
- InProperties, create a dynamic link betweenTextand theTemperaturevariable.TIP: You can create the dynamic link by dropping theTemperaturevariable fromProject viewinto theTextproperty value of theText boxinProperties.For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
- InProject view, right-clickPage1 (type)and select .
- InProperties, create a dynamic link betweenValueand theTemperaturevariable.For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
- In the editor, arrange the objects according to your preferences.
Temperature controls in the top-right corner

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