Connecting to Controller Dialog Box Overview

This dialog box provides you with information regarding your attempt to upload from or download to the controller. The following conditions and options are possible:
If the dialog box displays this condition:
Then you can:
Logix Designer
application that is compatible with the firmware revision does not support multiple revisions.
  • Cancel and run the
    Logix Designer
    application that is compatible with this revision of firmware.
  • Update the controller’s firmware and download the offline project
The revision of the offline project and the controller’s firmware are not compatible.
  • Select a compatible offline project file,
  • Modify the project revision to be compatible with firmware, or
    TIP: This option is only available if the version of the
    Logix Designer
    application that corresponds to the firmware is newer than that of the project file and is installed.
  • Update the controller’s firmware and download the offline project
Logix Designer
application support for this firmware revision is not installed.
  • Install
    Logix Designer
    application support for this firmware revision, or
  • Update the controller’s firmware and download the offline project.
    TIP: Download is only included in this option if an offline project is opened.
The controller contains no firmware
Update the controller’s firmware
Unable to download to controller. The revision of the offline project and the controller’s firmware are not compatible.
Update the controller’s firmware OR modify the project revision to be compatible with the firmware.
Controller Parameters
Controller Name
Displays the target controller name. This field displays:
  • The actual controller name, or
  • <None> if there is no name available (that is, no project loaded in the controller)
  • <Unknown> if there was an error reading the name (that is, the
    Logix Designer
    application does not recognize the revision of the device, and is unable to determine whether there is a project in the controller)
Controller Type
Displays the controller type of the target controller.
Comm Path
Displays the current communications path used to communicate with the target controller.
Serial Number
The serial number of the Safety controller associated with the Safety application. This option is enabled for Safety controllers only.
Firmware Revision
Displays the current firmware revision of the target controller.
Displays the software used to provide security or <None> if no security software is currently assigned.
Offline project Parameters
Controller Name
Displays the controller name in the offline project file.
Controller Type
Displays the controller type of the controller in the offline project file.
Displays the path for the offline project file.
Serial Number
The serial number of the Safety controller referenced by the offline project. This option is enabled for Safety controllers only.
Firmware Revision
Displays the firmware revision of the firmware used to create the offline project file.
Displays the software used to provide security or <None> if no security software is assigned for the offline project.
Update Firmware
Click this button to update the controller firmware.
Click this button to close the
Connecting to Controller
dialog box.
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