Add extended properties to an alarm message
Use the
Alarm Message Editor
to add extended properties to an alarm message. Adding extended properties to a message makes the values in the properties available for use by HMIs. Add extended properties to both instruction-based alarm messages and tag-based alarm messages.To add extended properties to an alarm message:
- In theController Organizer, expand theAlarm Managerfolder.
- Right-clickAlarmsand selectNew Alarm, or right-click an existing alarm, selectAlarmProperties, and selectEditor.
- In theAlarm Message Editordialog box, on theVariablemenu, selectSelect Tag Extended Properties.
- Select the tag browser button
to open the tag browser. The tag browser displays controller tags, tags of the same scope as the input for tag-based alarms, and tags of the same scope as the instruction backing tag for instruction-based alarms.
- Select the tag that carries the properties to include.For instruction-based alarms, when a program scoped tag is selected, the program name is removed from the tag. For example, for the tag \MyProgram.MyTag, MyTag appears in the dialog box. Because an instruction-based alarm is the backing object of the alarm tag, the scope of the extended properties tag is assumed from the alarm tag.For tag-based alarms, when a program scoped tag is selected, the program name is displayed with the tag. For example, for the tag \MyProgram.MyTag, \MyProgram.MyTag appears in the dialog box. Because tag-based alarms are controller scoped components, the scope of the extended properties tag needs to be recorded.
- Select an extended property from theExtended Propertymenu, or type an extended property that does not appear in the list. Extended properties typed into the box are not verified by theLogix Designerapplication, but are sent to the HMI.
- (Optional) To limit the width of the message to a specific number of characters, selectUse Fixed Width. Characters beyond the width limit are displayed on the next line on the display. After selecting the check box, enter the number of characters or select a number using the up and down arrows.
- SelectAdd. The extended properties are added to the alarm message.TIP:Adding extended properties to an alarm message can cause the character string to exceed the character limit of 255. Characters in excess of 255 are trimmed from the message.
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