PLLS motor preferences

Use the
Motor preference
tab on the
PLLS Properties
dialog box to configure preferences for the motors included in a group for Process Lead Lag Standby Motor Group (PLLS) instructions.
Motors start in order of preference from 1 to 30.
TIP: When configured, motor priorities override motor preferences.
To configure motor preferences for PLLS instructions
  1. On the instruction in the routine, perform one of these actions:
    • On the Ladder or FBD instruction, select .
    • In the Structured Text editor, right-click the tag name and select
      Configure <tag name>
  2. Under
    , select the
    Motor preference
  3. In the
    box for each motor, enter a preference number. The motor with preference 1 starts first, followed by 2, and so on. The existing preference value for each motor appears in the
    box. If the Cfg_CnfrmReqd parameter equals 1, a confirmation message appears that asks you to confirm the updated setting. If the setting requires a signature, this will enforce security from the HMI and disable the setting from the Logix Designer dialog.
  4. To apply the new preferences, select
    Set preference values
    . This setting is available only when online with the controller and takes effect immediately. A confirmation dialog box might appear requesting confirmation. If the command request requires a signature, this will enforce security from the HMI and disable the command from the Logix Designer dialog.
  5. To reset all preference values to 0 (no preference), select
    Reset preference values
    . This setting is available only when online with the controller and takes effect immediately. A confirmation dialog box might appear requesting confirmation. If the command request requires a signature, this will enforce security from the HMI and disable the command from the Logix Designer dialog.
  6. When online with the controller, monitor the
    Device state
    Device issues
    indicators at the bottom left of the dialog box:
    • Device state
      . Displays the current device state:
      • None
      • Stopped
      • Running
      • Stopping
      • Decreasing
      • Increasing
    • Device issues
      . Displays fault conditions:
      • None
      • Configuration error
      • Fail to start
      • Fail to stop
  7. Select
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