Schedule a program/phase
A program is executed by the task in which it is scheduled. The programs associated with a task are configured as part of the task properties.
To move a program/phase from one task to another, unschedule it from the first task, and then schedule it in the other.
To schedule a program/phase:
- From theController Organizerright-click the task in which you want to schedule the program/phase, and chooseProperties.TheTask Propertiesdialog is displayed.
- Select theProgram/Phase Scheduletab.TIP:Only schedule Safety programs in the Safety task, and standard programs in standard tasks. Because of this, when selecting a Safety task, only Safety programs appear in this dialog. When choosing any other type of task, only standard programs appear.
- Select the program/phase to schedule from theUnscheduledlist.
- SelectAdd.The program moves to theScheduledlist.
- SelectOKto schedule the program/phase.The program/phase displays in theController Organizer, under the task in which it is scheduled.
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