Nonvolatile Memory tab
Controller Properties
dialog box displays controller configuration information for the open project and, when online or connected, for the attached controller.
The parameters that are available to configure are dependent upon the version of the
Logix Designer
application and the controllers that the version supports.Safety controller Nonvolatile Memory functionality is fully supported for
5570 controllers.The
5570 primary controller's nonvolatile memory card slot is used for nonvolatile memory storage. The 1768 Compact GuardLogix
controllers have only one card slot.The
Nonvolatile Memory
tab provides access to nonvolatile memory operations.
This tab is available only when the selected controller supports a removable memory card slot. When online with a controller that does not have a removable memory card installed, no image data is available and
is unavailable. Parameters
The name of the stored controller image that resides in nonvolatile memory.
The controller type for the image stored in nonvolatile memory. This controller type can be any type that supports nonvolatile memory.
The firmware revision of the controller when the image in nonvolatile memory was stored. In order for the image in nonvolatile memory to be loaded back into controller memory, the firmware revision of that image must match the revision of the controller.
Load Image
The condition under which the image stored in nonvolatile memory is loaded back to controller memory. Available conditions include:
- Uninitialized Memory - Automatically load the project from the removable memory card if the controller is new from the factory. Also reloads the project from the removable memory card if for some reason the project is lost from the controller's memory.
- On Power Up - Reload the project from the removable memory card on each power up.
- User Initiated - Load the project from the removable memory card on command fromLogix Designersoftware.
Regardless of the currently-selected load option, there is always the option to manually initiate a load as well.
Load Mode
The mode the controller enters upon loading from nonvolatile memory. Choose from:
- Program (Remote Only)
- Run (Remote Only)TIP:The Load Mode only applies if the controller keyswitch is in the remote position when loading. If the controller keyswitch is in Run or Program, the controller returns to that mode once the load is complete. The controller keyswitch always has priority over the Load Mode.
The Load Mode only applies if the
Load Image
is On Corrupt Memory
or On Power Up
. If Load Image
is User Initiated
, Load Mode
is unavailable.Safety Application
The nonvolatile memory safety lock status (locked or unlocked).
Safety Application is displayed when online or connected to a controller with a removable memory card that contains a safety controller application. It is not displayed when online or connected to a controller with a removable memory card that contains a standard controller application. The Safety Application value is cleared when communication is lost.
Safety Signature
The nonvolatile memory safety Signature status (ID, Date, and Time).
Safety Signature is displayed when online or connected to a controller with a removable memory card that contains a safety controller application. It is not displayed when online or connected to a controller with a removable memory card that contains a standard controller application.
An Information icon appears if there is a status message.
Image Note
Descriptive information entered at the time the image was stored in nonvolatile memory. Enter up to 128 text characters.
The workstation date and time when the image is stored in nonvolatile memory.
Inhibit Automatic Firmware Update
Select to inhibit
Automatic Update
.By default, this attribute is set to not inhibit (not selected). In some cases, the feature is disabled.
The attribute is also available via an SSV/GSV. The check box reflects the inhibit status. In other words, if inhibited via an SSV, the check box on this tab is selected. If uninhibit via an SSV, the check box on this tab is cleared.
The controller, before initiating the automatic update of modules, checks this attribute and proceeds only if the feature is set to not inhibit (not selected).
This option is available both offline and online.
This control is unavailable if the controller has redundancy enabled.
Select to access the
dialog box.This button is unavailable when:
- Nonvolatile memory is not present in the controller.
- The controller is in Run mode.
- Another user has locked the controller.
- The current module redundancy state prevents nonvolatile memory operations.
- The controller is offline.
Whenever the
button is unavailable, the status bar displays the reason and an Information icon. The status bar displays only one status at a time. Work through each status to enable the Load/Store
button.Provide Feedback