Edit Action properties
Edit Action properties to change the type, preset, timer, and other properties of the action.
To edit action properties:
- FromQualifier, select the qualifier to determine when an action is executed.The "N" qualifier, for example, causes an action to execute as long as its associated step is active. As another example, the P1 qualifier causes an action to execute only once when its associated step is first activated. For more information, seeAction Properties - General.Choose from:
- N - Non-stored
- R - Reset
- S - Stored
- L - Time Limited
- D - Time Delayed
- P - Pulse
- P1 - Pulse (Rising Edge)
- P0 - Pulse (Falling Edge)
- SL - Stored and Time Limited
- SD - Stored and Time Delayed
- DS - Time Delayed and Stored
- SelectBooleanif this action is a Boolean action.
- InPreset, enter a value for the PRE action tag member.Configure Preset as a DINT value or as the result of an expression. To use an expression, selectUse Expression, then selectDefine.
- InTimer, enter the T value of the action.This value indicates how long (in milliseconds) the Action was active during this activation. When an Action is first activated, this value is reset to 0. When an action is no longer active, this field retains the elapsed time, thereby reflecting how long the Action was active the last time it was activated.
- InCount, enter the Count value of the action.This value indicates how many times the Action was activated since the action Count was last reset. If this counter reaches its upper limit, the counter rolls over to 0 and continues counting. The Count is automatically reset when the SFC is reset.
- SelectPause Timer When Routine is Pausedif the Action Timer should not increment while the SFC routine is paused. Clear the box to have the Action Timer jump forward when the SFC routine resumes execution after being paused. The Action Timer jumps forward by the amount of time of the pause.
- InIndicator Tag, enter an operand to appear in the action display in the sequential function chart routine.SelectNew Tagto create a new tag for this option.
- SelectOKto apply the edits and closeAction Properties.
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