Configure Sensors

Configure Sensors

After adding an asset or component, you need to configure sensors. There are two types of sensors:
Sensor types
Sensor Type
Physical Sensors
Physical sensors also known as real-world sensors, are devices that interact with the physical environment to measure various physical properties and convert them into electrical signals or digital data.
Virtual Sensors
Virtual sensors are not directly measured by a sensor but instead, it is derived through mathematical or computational operations based on the data collected from sensors or other sources.
Perform the following steps to configure physical sensors:
  1. After adding an asset or component, select the
  2. Click [Add Physical Sensors].
    Add Physical Sensors
  3. In the
    Basic Details
    tab, set these parameters:
    • Sensor Name
      : Provide the sensor name.
    • Unit of Measure
      : Provide the unit of measure.
    • Data type
      : Provide the data type.
    • Asset Class
      : By default, it shows the asset class details.
    • Configuration Status
      : Select the status from the drop-down list.
  4. Click [Next].
    Basic Details
  5. In the
    Configure Tag
    tab, select the required tag name radio button, and click [Next].
    Configure Tag
  6. In the
    Configure Sensor Limit
    , provide the value in the
    Lower Sensor Fault Limit
    Upper Sensor Fault Limit
    NOTE: To enable detection and alert, enable the toggle button.
  7. Click [Add].
    Configure Sensor Limits
    The Physical Sensor is added to the table and the "
    Physical sensor was added under the asset successfully
    " message displays.
Perform the following steps to configure virtual sensors:
  1. After adding an asset or component, select the
  2. Click [Add Virtual Sensors].
    Add Virtual Sensors
  3. In the
    Basic Details
    tab, set these parameters:
    • Sensor Name
      : Provide the sensor name.
    • Unit of Measure
      : Provide the unit of measure.
    • Data type
      : Provide the data type.
    • Asset Class
      : By default, it shows the asset class details.
    • Configuration Status
      : Select the status from the drop-down list.
  4. Click [Next].
    Basic Details
  5. In the
    Configure Equation
    tab, perform the following actions:
    • Equation Name
      : Select the equation name from the drop-down list.
    • Version
      : Select the version from the drop-down list.
    • Map the variables to the virtual sensors.
    • Click [Add].
      Configure Equation
      The sensor is added to the table and the "
      Virtual sensor was added under the asset successfully
      " message displays.
Perform the following steps to edit the Physical and Virtual sensor details:
  1. Select the required sensor check box from the Physical Sensors or Virtual Sensors table.
  2. Click [Edit] and edit the required fields.
  3. Click [Save].
Perform the following steps to delete the sensor details:
  1. Select the required sensor check box from the Physical Sensors table or Virtual Sensors table.
  2. Click [Delete].
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