Roles and Permissions

Roles and Permissions

In this tab, you can edit the existing roles and permissions and add new roles & users. Perform the following steps to edit the existing roles and permissions:
  1. Select
    User Management
    in the menu bar.
  2. In the
    Roles and Permissions
    tab, select the required role from the
    Role List
  3. Click [Edit].
  4. Under the
    Role Details
    tab, click [Edit Role].
  5. Edit the required fields such as name and description.
  6. Enable the required toggle button under the
    System Overview Permissions
    Configuration Permissions
  7. Click the [] icon on the required user name to remove that user from the role and click [Add User] to add new users to the role.
  8. Click [Save].
    Edit Existing role
    The "
    Role has been modified successfully
    " message displays.
Perform the following steps to add a new role and add users to the new role:
  1. Select
    User Management
    in the menu bar.
  2. Click [Add Role].
  3. In the
    Add New Role
    window, under the
    Roles Details
    tab, set these parameters:
    • Role Name
      : Provide the role name.
    • Role Description
      : Provide a description of the role.
  4. Click [Next].
    Role Details tab
  5. In the
    Configure Permissions
    tab, enable the required system overview and configuration permissions.
  6. Click [Next].
    Configure Permissions tab
  7. In the
    Configure Users
    tab, select the required username checkbox.
  8. Click [Add].
    Configure Users
    The "
    Role has been added successfully to the role list for Asset Intelligence
    " message displays. The new role was available in the role list.
  9. Click the newly created role in the
    Role list
    and click [Add User] to add more users to the role.
  10. In the
    Add User
    window, select the required username check box and click [Add].
    Add User
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