Compare Assets

Compare Assets

You can compare assets within the asset class and perform the following steps to compare assets:
  1. Click the [] icon from the menu bar.
  2. In the
    Choose Assets
    tab, set these parameters:
    • Asset Class
      : Select the asset class from the drop-down list.
    • Region
      : (Optional) Select the region from the drop-down list.
    • Product
      : (Optional) Select the product from the drop-down list.
    • Site
      : (Optional) Select the site from the drop-down list.
    • Area
      : (Optional) Select the area from the drop-down list
  3. Click [Apply Filters].
  4. Select the required asset check box and click [Compare Assets].
    Select Assets to Compare
    NOTE: You need to select a minimum of 2 assets to a maximum of 4 assets to enable Compare Assets.
    In the
    tab, you can see all the assets in the form of cards with all the KPI details configured under assets. You can see the following sections in the asset cards.
    • Asset Details;
    • Standard KPIs
    • Common Asset KPIs
    • Unique Asset KPIs
    • Component Risk Score
  5. In the
    tab, set these parameters:
    • Asset KPIs
      : By default, all the asset KPIs are selected. You can also select the required asset KPI from the drop-down list.
    • Components
      : By default, all the components are selected. You can also select the required components from the drop-down list.
  6. Click [Apply Filter].
    By default, you can see the Asset details and Standard KPIs section if nothing is selected in the Asset KPIs and Components filters. Based on your selection, the cards section will be updated.
    Asset Comparison
  7. Click the [] icon to download the current result in PDF format.
  8. Click the [x] in the respective cards to remove the cards from the
  9. Click the [] icon to expand and collapse the section.
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