A named area of the process-connected device or controller’s memory where data is stored. It is the basic mechanism for allocating memory, referencing data from logic, and monitoring data.
tag name
A name you supply to reference a tag instance. It can be a maximum of 40 characters.
target system
One of two coordinate systems used in a Kinematics transform and having special properties. When connected to a source system by means of a Kinematics transform, motion commanded at the target system’s inputs produces motion in both the source and target system’s outputs (if the physical axes are connected).
target tag
The tag containing the datatype definition for an alias tag. It can be an alias tag and it can be verified/unverified.
If "A" is an INT, then "B" is an alias to "A", therefore, "A" is the target tag for "B".
(Also see INT.)
A scheduling mechanism for executing a program. A maximum of 32 programs can be scheduled to execute when a task is triggered; for ControlLogix and SoftLogix, the maximum number of programs is 1,000. A task can be configured to run as a continuous task or a periodic task. A maximum of 32 tasks can be created to schedule programs.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A transport layer protocol and a network layer protocol developed by the Department of Defense. This is a commonly used combination for communication within networks and across internetworks.
test mode
The controller mode during which logic is executing, inputs are read, the program is scanned, and the outputs are not controlled. Editing operations are restricted. The keyswitch must be in the Remote position.
The time between when input turns on and the corresponding output turns on.
The value used to drive the output of a PID instruction during Manual mode.
A structure data type that contains status and control information for timer instructions.
The amount of position error that is allowed by the control system before a fault condition is triggered. This protects the system from an axis moving the given distance without closed loop control.
A device that provides feedback information relative to a measured position, velocity, or torque. A general term for a feedback element.
transfer of control
An equipment sequence construct where a running equipment phase is notified as process conditions become TRUE that new input parameter values are available for use.
This is modeled by a sequence of steps referencing the phase to be run continuously. Each step contains the new set of inputs. The transitions test the process conditions and the phase is not expected to stop running until the transfer of control series is COMPLETE.
General term for conversion equations that map values in one coordinate space to values in another coordinate space.
A momentary deviation in an electrical or mechanical system.
The change of state from an Off to On condition or vice versa.
transition expression
Transition expressions define the criteria to STOP, RESET, and detach all preceding steps and their associated Equipment Phases and attach and START the Equipment Phases and steps. The expression must always evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE.
transition firing attribute
The transition firing attribute is a subset of the FIRING state and gives a visual indication of the current state.
This firing attribute is visible when the transition expression has evaluated TRUE. The firing process requires several interactions with different phases and is an asynchronous process. Some phases may have programs that can take a long time to finish running (stopping a motor for example), so the firing object shows what the transition is doing. The displayed Firing Attribute values are: COMMITTED, STOPPING, RESETTING, PENDING, NOTFIRING, ACQUIRING, BINDING, POST PROCESSING, and PAUSED.
transition states
Transition display states show how the transition execution relates to the overall
Equipment Sequence
execution. The display states are: IDLE, ARMED, FIRING, STOPPED, ABORTED, HELD, and HOLDING.
Robotic term for a linear movement or offset in Cartesian (that is, 3D) space. Translation describes the distance between two Cartesian points.
A motion trajectory type that has a linear ramp and down of velocity. The acceleration profile has two square regions for acceleration and deceleration.
travel limit
See overtravel.
A set of one or more tags for which sample data is desired. Trend data samples are collected by sampling the set of tags over a period of time in the controller.
The status of an instruction that provides a continuous logical path on a ladder rung.
The act of setting the closed loop algorithm gains to achieve a desired level of control and stability.
The catalog number and description of the controller. When online, this field includes the catalog number of the memory card (if any).
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