Failed to modify component properties
One of these conditions prevents the modification of the component properties:
- Access denied. Verify with your Security Administrator that you have sufficient privileges to modify the component.
- Entered an already existing or invalid name. Enter a unique and valid name for the component.
- Attempted to change the component's class (for example, standard versus Safety) while the component is already scheduled in a task. Remove the schedule from the component and then change the class.
- The controller is locked by another user in another instance of theLogix Designerapplication.
- The fault routine of an equipment phase cannot have PSC, PFL, PXRQ, PPD, or PRNP instruction calls.
- The prestate routine of an equipment phase cannot have PSC, PXRQ, PPD, or PRNP instruction calls.
- Attempted to change the component's class to Safety but the component contains a tag with OPC UA access set to RW. Remove the OPC UA access and then change the class.
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