Access Security Provider

Access Security Provider

  1. Use the following URL to access the Analytics Security Provider:
    • User will also have access to the Account page for Security:
      If it prompts ‘
      Your connection is not private
      ’ then click [ADVANCED] on the browser and then [Proceed to <FQDN-hostname>(unsafe)] to use the advanced settings.
  2. The Analytics Security Provider login page displays:
    Default username: security-admin
    Password: Welcome@1234
    Security Admin Login
  3. Use the security-admin account credentials to log in. If the application requests to change the password, provide the new password and click [Submit].
    Use a complex password as per the company policy.
    The realm has a password policy that requires the password to confirm to the following rules:
    Rule Value
    Minimum password length
    10 characters
    Uppercase characters
    At least 1
    Lowercase characters
    At least 1
    Special characters
    At least 1
    Not Username
    Cannot be the same as the Username
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