Third-Party Software
The following table contains the third-party software requirements:
Vendors of third-party may remove supported versions from download sites. If the specified version is not available at the link provided, then go to the
folder to find the supported Third-party components. Third-Party folder contains redistributable software only. If any issues are encountered, contact Rockwell Support as documented in the Solutions and Technical Support Section.Components Folder

Software Name | Comments |
PostgreSQL 13.5 | Install as a Service - Default Port 5432 |
Elasticsearch 7.12.1 | Install as a Service - Default Port 9200 |
FTASecurity 4.00.00 | - |
FT Activation Manager v4.06.13 | FTA Activation Service |
FTActivation Websocket Service |
Third-Party software is provided on the download site in the event that customers are unable to locate the specific version on the Internet. This installation provides steps to utilize this software with FTA applications. Refer to the Third-Party vendor documentation to configure and optimize the Third-Party software. Vendors may change their sites without notice. Please review the Security Recommendations and utilize the experienced IT professionals when setting up the production environments.
Refer to “Install Third Party Software” for links to download and install the listed software.
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