Install Elasticsearch

Install Elasticsearch

Perform the following steps to install Elasticsearch:
  1. In order to install Elasticsearch, download the setup file (
    ) from the following website:
    and then run the downloaded setup file.
    Vendors of third-party may remove supported versions from download sites. If the specified version is not available at the link provided, then go to the
    folder to find the supported Third-party components. Third-Party folder contains redistributable software only. If any issues are encountered, contact Rockwell Support as documented in the Solutions and Technical Support Section.
  2. The 'Locations' page displays. Use default settings and click [NEXT].
    Elasticsearch Installation Directory
    Select [Use a custom installation directory] and define a folder on a non-OS drive for easy restore purposes.
  3. The 'Service' page displays. Use default settings and click [NEXT].
  4. The 'Configuration' page displays and change the cluster name to FTAESCluster.
  5. Verify the Configurations and click [Next].
    Elasticsearch Configuration
  6. The ‘Plugins’ page displays. Leave these configuration plugins blank and click [NEXT].
    Elasticsearch Plugins
  7. The ‘X-Pack’ page displays. Use default settings and click [INSTALL].
    Elasticsearch Plugins
    The installation progress screen displays.
  8. The 'Elasticsearch installed successfully' screen displays. Click [Exit] to complete the installation.
    Installation Success
    To access the Elasticsearch installed on other machine in case of multi-node configuration, modify the configuration file. Refer to Appendix A, “Elasticsearch Remote Connection Configurations” section for steps to modify the configuration file.
  9. Open the Windows Service management console to verify that Elasticsearch is successfully installed. Ensure that the Elasticsearch service is running.
    Elasticsearch Service
  10. Open a Web browser and type:
    Verify Elasticsearch
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