Install PostgreSQL Database

Install PostgreSQL Database

Perform the following steps to install PostgreSQL Database:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable
Set up PostgreSQL data and log directory on a non-OS drive.
  1. In order to install PostgreSQL, go to
    folder and then run the
    setup file.
    Vendors of third-party may remove supported versions from download sites. If the specified version is not available at the link provided, then go to the
    folder to find the supported Third-party components. Third-Party folder contains redistributable software only. If any issues are encountered, contact Rockwell Support as documented in the Solutions and Technical Support Section.
  2. The ‘Setup’ screen displays. Click [Next].
    Setup PostgreSQL
  3. The ‘Installation Directory’ screen displays, click [Next].
    Installation Directory
  4. Select the desired components (it is recommended to use the default components) to install and click [Next].
    Select Components
  5. Select the installation directory to install PostgreSQL and click [Next].
    Data Directory
  6. The Password screen displays, provide a new superuser password. Click [Next].
    The following table contains a list of the
    special characters that can be used to create a password for the PostgreSQL user:
    Supported Special Characters
    Combinations of 3 supported special characters in a consecutive pattern may cause unexpected results. For example: ${}
    The following table contains a list of the special characters that are
    not supported
    to create a password for the PostgreSQL user:
    Unsupported Special Characters
    The password is used in the backend service configuration file. Write down this password somewhere for future installation steps. (Example:Welcome@123)
    PostgreSQL Password
  7. The Port screen displays, user can customize the basic configurations (It is recommended to leave the port unchanged). Click [Next].
    Setup Port
  8. Accept the defaults and click [Next] until the ‘Installation Complete’ screen displays.
  9. The ‘Completing the PostgreSQL Setup Wizard’ screen displays. Click [Finish] to complete the installation.
    PostgreSQL Setup Complete
  10. Open the Windows Service management console to verify that PostgreSQL is successfully installed. Ensure that the Postgres service is running.
    PostgreSQL Verification
  11. Go to postgresql bin folder and open the
    file to verify installation.
    C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\pgAdmin 4\bin
    The pgAdmin 4 screen displays.
  12. Expand the [Servers] item and then expand [PostgreSQL].
  13. The Connect to Server dialog displays, provide the password and click [OK].
    Provide the password that is defined for installation of PostgreSQL.
    Connect PostgreSQL Databases
    The PostgreSQL database displays.
    pgAdmin Verification
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