Add FBD Element dialog box parameters

This table describes the parameters available on the
Add FBD Element
dialog box.
FBD Element
Enter the element to add. The function block element list advances to the closest match.
Instruction Help
Click this button to toggle the Instruction Help Pane on and off.
The Help Pane is operational for built-in instructions as well as for Add-On Instructions.
Instruction Help Pane
Opens to the right and displays the instruction help for the instruction where the cursor is located.
For built-in language elements, a button above the instruction help text opens the full instruction help for that instruction.
Logix Designer
application Instruction
When the dialog box is expanded to display the help, the
Logix Designer
application Instruction button is enabled to access help for built-in instructions. This button appears dimmed for Add-On Instructions.
Function Block Element List
The list of available function block elements. This list includes:
  • Input reference
  • Output reference
  • Input wire connector
  • Output wire connector
  • All available instructions, which includes an Add-On folder that contains all the Add-On Instructions in the project.
  • All available functions. Functions are available only on
    Compact GuardLogix
    5380, and
    5580 controllers.
If an instruction is not valid for the current context, for example, inside an Add-On Instruction logic routine, the instruction is not in the list. Any Add-On Instruction that causes recursive calls appears dimmed in the list.
Show Instructions by Groups
To help organize the list of instructions, display the list in groups. This option is selected by default; deselect to see instructions listed in alphabetical order.
New Add-On Instruction
Click this button to open the New Add-on Instruction dialog.
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