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United States
For Customer Care or Remote Support assistance, call 1-440-646-3434 or 888-382-1583 (go directly to a product support specialist with Direct Dial Codes or view PDF).
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Direct Dial Codes
To route your phone support request directly to a technical support engineer,* call toll free 1-888-382-1583 or 1-440-646-3434, select Option 3 (Technical Support), then select Option 5 (More Options). When prompted, enter the appropriate three digit code from the tables below.
* Customers with an active TechConnect contract. Available in North America only.
Activation | Direct Dial Code |
Software Activations, Software Download Issues, FactoryTalk Updater | 010 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers | Direct Dial Code |
CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers Sales Support | 900 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Hardware Post-Sales Technical Support | 901 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Configuration Software (CIRCE™ , CenterOne® or PowerControl Builder™) | 902 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers DeviceNet, EtherNet or IntelliCENTER Software Support | 903 |
Controllers | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix®, GuardLogix, FlexLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 100 |
CompactLogix™, CompactGuardLogix hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 101 |
PLC-5®, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 102 |
SLC™ 500, MicroLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 103 |
SoftLogix™ 5 and 5000, programming software, I/O and instruction set | 105 |
PowerMonitor™ 500, 1000, 5000, 1411 Current transformers | 107 |
Micro800® Hardware | 110 |
Installation and software generated error support: Studio 5000 Logix Designer, RSLogix 5000®, 500 & 5, RSLinx Classic and RSNetWorx | 111 |
Connected Components Workbench™ | 112 |
Data Management Software | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, RSMACC™ | 600 |
RSBizWare™ (Historian™ Classic, PlantMetrics™, Scheduler™) | 601 |
FactoryTalk Historian SE | 602 |
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, RSSql™ | 603 |
FactoryTalk Batch, RSBatch™, eProcedure®, MaterialTrack™ | 604 |
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) & FactoryTalk Analytics | 605 |
PMX - MES, CTM | 606 |
FactoryTalk VantagePoint® | 607 |
ThingWorx, Vuforia, and FactoryTalk Edge Gateway | 610 |
ScanESC | 813 |
RASWin (Risk Assessment Software for Windows) | 814 |
Drives and Medium Voltage Products | Direct Dial Code |
Current Architecture Products - 7 series drives such as PowerFlex® 70/700, PowerFlex 753/755, PowerFlex 755T and PowerFlex 700S, drive communications, DriveExecutive™, DriveExplorer™, MegaDySC® 1608M , MiniDySC® 1608N, and ProDySC® 1608P | 500 |
Current Compact Products - 4 series drives such as PowerFlex 4, PowerFlex 40, PowerFlex 40P, PowerFlex 400, and 5-series drives such as PowerFlex 523 and PowerFlex 525, ArmorStart® Controllers (280-284) and ArmorConnect® Media (290-294) | 501 |
AC Legacy drives - PowerFlex 700H, 160, 1305, 1336 (Classic), 1336E (IM/PACT®), 1336F (Plus II), 1336R (Regen), 1336S (Plus), 1336T (FORCE™ Technology), 1336Z | 504 |
DC Legacy drives - 1395, 1397 | 510 |
PowerFlex DC drives | 511 |
Reliance Electric™ - LiquiFlo and Standard Drives | 512 |
Medium Voltage - PowerFlex 7000, PowerFlex 6000 and 1557™ Drives, 1500 Contactors and Soft Starters, 857 and 865 Feeder/Motor Protection Relay, OneGear™ Controllers, 1591 Load Break Switches, PowerBrick™ Technology | 513 |
Integrated Condition Monitoring (Entek®) | Direct Dial Code |
XM®, Enpac®, Datapac®, Enwatch®, Emonitor®, Enshare®, RSMACC Enterprise Online, Vibration Sensors, Dynamix™ Data Collectors, Accelerometers, Eddy Current Probes | 700 |
Low Voltage Industrial Control Components | Direct Dial Code |
Contactors and Starters, Pushbuttons, Terminal Blocks, 700 Relays and Timers, Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches, 1497 Transformers, 4983 Surge Protection | 800 |
Condition Sensing Switches (836-840 Mechanical Pressure, Temperature and Float, 808 Speed, 803 Rotating Cam Switches) | 801 |
Signaling Alarms, Beacons, Horns and Lights (854, 855) | 802 |
150-154 SMC™ Smart Motor Controllers and 156 Solid-State Contactors | 804 |
Electronic Motor Protection (E1 and E3 Plus, E300, 825 Overload Relays, 193-DNENCAT, 2100-ENET EtherNet Comm Modules, 1608 Voltage Sag Monitor | 805 |
1606 and 1607 Power Supplies, 1609 Uninterruptible Power Supply, 1492 Printer/Plotter and IFM Modules | 806 |
900TC Temperature Controllers, 931 Conditioners, 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules | 807 |
Motor Protection Relays (809-819, 1409) and Motor Winding Heaters (1410) | 808 |
Limit, Photoelectric and Proximity Switches, Connection Systems, and Media | 809 |
Safety Mats (440, 442), Relays and Switches, Laser Scanners, Encoders (842-847) | 810 |
Advanced Sensing (54RF, 55RF, 56RF RFID Tags, MultiSight™ Sensors) | 811 |
Hazardous Location Applications | 812 |
Motion | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix Motion, Interface Cards and Associated Software | 400 |
Kinetix® Servo Drives and Motors and Associated Software (includes Ultra 3000) | 401 |
1394, S-Class, GML™ Commander | 404 |
CNC™ Motion 8500, 8520, 9230, 9240, 9260, 9290 , 9440, 9 Series | 405 |
IMC Motion (121, 123, 110, ODS Software), HSRV, HSTP | 407 |
Allen-Bradley Legacy Servo Drives (1326, 1387, 1388, 1391, 1392, 1398), 8720 | 408 |
iTrak, MagneMotion, MagneMover Lite, and Quickstick Support | 410 |
NetLinx | Direct Dial Code |
RSLinx® Classic, RSLinx Enterprise and FactoryTalk Linx | 301 |
1784 Communications Cards, Remote Access Dial in Modems, 9300-USBS | 302 |
Stratix® Network Switches, 9300-ENA | 303 |
Packaged Solutions | Direct Dial Code |
RAPID Line Integration™ | 007 |
Process Safety | Direct Dial Code |
AADvance® Control System, Trusted® Control System, OptiSIS® Solution | 750 |
PlantPAx / RapidLaunch | Direct Dial Code |
PlantPAx®, RapidLaunch | 008 |
Visualization | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® View SE, RSView SE, RSView®32, FactoryTalk Linx Gateway and FactoryTalk Optix | 200 |
ThinManager® ** | 201 |
FactoryTalk® View ME, RSView® ME, PanelView™ Plus Graphic Terminals, Studio 5000 View Designer and PanelView 5500 | 202 |
PanelView Classic, Standard, Enhanced Terminals and PanelBuilder™ Software | 203 |
PanelView Component and PanelView 800 | 204 |
Message Displays | 205 |
Industrial Computers, Monitors and Optix Panels | 206 |
For Remote Support, call 1-519-740-4795 (go directly to a product support specialist with Direct Dial Codes). For Customer Care assistance, call 1-440-646-3434.
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Direct Dial Codes
To route your phone support request directly to a technical support engineer*, call 1-519-740-4795. When prompted, enter the appropriate three digit code from the tables below.
* Customers with an active TechConnect contract. Available in North America only.
Activation | Direct Dial Code |
Software Activations, Software Download Issues, FactoryTalk Updater | 010 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers | Direct Dial Code |
CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers Sales Support | 900 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Hardware Post-Sales Technical Support | 901 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Configuration Software (CIRCE™ , CenterOne® or PowerControl Builder™) | 902 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers DeviceNet, EtherNet or IntelliCENTER Software Support | 903 |
Controllers | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix®, GuardLogix, FlexLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 100 |
CompactLogix™, CompactGuardLogix hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 101 |
PLC-5®, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 102 |
SLC™ 500, MicroLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 103 |
SoftLogix™ 5 and 5000, programming software, I/O and instruction set | 105 |
PowerMonitor™ 500, 1000, 5000, 1411 Current transformers | 107 |
Micro800® Hardware | 110 |
Installation and software generated error support: Studio 5000 Logix Designer, RSLogix 5000®, 500 & 5, RSLinx Classic and RSNetWorx | 111 |
Connected Components Workbench™ | 112 |
Data Management Software | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, RSMACC™ | 600 |
RSBizWare™ (Historian™ Classic, PlantMetrics™, Scheduler™) | 601 |
FactoryTalk Historian SE | 602 |
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, RSSql™ | 603 |
FactoryTalk Batch, RSBatch™, eProcedure®, MaterialTrack™ | 604 |
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) & FactoryTalk Analytics | 605 |
PMX - MES, CTM | 606 |
FactoryTalk VantagePoint® | 607 |
ScanESC | 813 |
RASWin (Risk Assessment Software for Windows) | 814 |
Drives and Medium Voltage Products | Direct Dial Code |
Current Architecture Products - 7 series drives such as PowerFlex® 70/700, PowerFlex 753/755, PowerFlex 755T and PowerFlex 700S, drive communications, DriveExecutive™, DriveExplorer™, MegaDySC® 1608M , MiniDySC® 1608N, and ProDySC® 1608P | 500 |
Current Compact Products - 4 series drives such as PowerFlex 4, PowerFlex 40, PowerFlex 40P, PowerFlex 400, and 5-series drives such as PowerFlex 523 and PowerFlex 525, ArmorStart® Controllers (280-284) and ArmorConnect® Media (290-294) | 501 |
AC Legacy drives - PowerFlex 700H, 160, 1305, 1336 (Classic), 1336E (IM/PACT®), 1336F (Plus II), 1336R (Regen), 1336S (Plus), 1336T (FORCE™ Technology), 1336Z | 504 |
DC Legacy drives - 1395, 1397 | 510 |
PowerFlex DC drives | 511 |
Reliance Electric™ - LiquiFlo and Standard Drives | 512 |
Medium Voltage - PowerFlex 7000, PowerFlex 6000 and 1557™ Drives, 1500 Contactors and Soft Starters, 857 and 865 Feeder/Motor Protection Relay, OneGear™ Controllers, 1591 Load Break Switches, PowerBrick™ Technology | 513 |
Integrated Condition Monitoring (Entek®) | Direct Dial Code |
XM®, Enpac®, Datapac®, Enwatch®, Emonitor®, Enshare®, RSMACC Enterprise Online, Vibration Sensors, Dynamix™ Data Collectors, Accelerometers, Eddy Current Probes | 700 |
Low Voltage Industrial Control Components | Direct Dial Code |
Contactors and Starters, Pushbuttons, Terminal Blocks, 700 Relays and Timers, Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches, 1497 Transformers, 4983 Surge Protection | 800 |
Condition Sensing Switches (836-840 Mechanical Pressure, Temperature and Float, 808 Speed, 803 Rotating Cam Switches) | 801 |
Signaling Alarms, Beacons, Horns and Lights (854, 855) | 802 |
150-154 SMC™ Smart Motor Controllers and 156 Solid-State Contactors | 804 |
Electronic Motor Protection (E1 and E3 Plus, E300, 825 Overload Relays, 193-DNENCAT, 2100-ENET EtherNet Comm Modules, 1608 Voltage Sag Monitor | 805 |
1606 and 1607 Power Supplies, 1609 Uninterruptible Power Supply, 1492 Printer/Plotter and IFM Modules | 806 |
900TC Temperature Controllers, 931 Conditioners, 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules | 807 |
Motor Protection Relays (809-819, 1409) and Motor Winding Heaters (1410) | 808 |
Limit, Photoelectric and Proximity Switches, Connection Systems, and Media | 809 |
Safety Mats (440, 442), Relays and Switches, Laser Scanners, Encoders (842-847) | 810 |
Advanced Sensing (54RF, 55RF, 56RF RFID Tags, MultiSight™ Sensors) | 811 |
Hazardous Location Applications | 812 |
Motion | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix Motion, Interface Cards and Associated Software | 400 |
Kinetix® Servo Drives and Motors and Associated Software (includes Ultra 3000) | 401 |
1394, S-Class, GML™ Commander | 404 |
CNC™ Motion 8500, 8520, 9230, 9240, 9260, 9290 , 9440, 9 Series | 405 |
IMC Motion (121, 123, 110, ODS Software), HSRV, HSTP | 407 |
Allen-Bradley Legacy Servo Drives (1326, 1387, 1388, 1391, 1392, 1398), 8720 | 408 |
iTrak, MagneMotion, MagneMover Lite, and Quickstick Support | 410 |
NetLinx | Direct Dial Code |
RSLinx® Classic, RSLinx Enterprise and FactoryTalk Linx | 301 |
1784 Communications Cards, Remote Access Dial in Modems, 9300-USBS | 302 |
Stratix® Network Switches, 9300-ENA | 303 |
Packaged Solutions | Direct Dial Code |
RAPID Line Integration™ | 007 |
Process Safety | Direct Dial Code |
AADvance® Control System, Trusted® Control System, OptiSIS® Solution | 750 |
PlantPAx / RapidLaunch | Direct Dial Code |
PlantPAx®, RapidLaunch | 008 |
Visualization | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® View SE, RSView SE, RSView®32 | 200 |
ThinManager® ** | 201 |
FactoryTalk® View ME, RSView® ME, PanelView™ Plus Graphic Terminals, Studio 5000 View Designer and PanelView 5500 | 202 |
PanelView Classic, Standard, Enhanced Terminals and PanelBuilder™ Software | 203 |
PanelView Component and PanelView 800 | 204 |
Message Displays | 205 |
Industrial Computers and Monitors | 206 |
For Customer Care or Remote Support assistance, call 1-440-646-3434 or 888-382-1583 (go directly to a product support specialist with Direct Dial Codes or view PDF).
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Direct Dial Codes
To route your phone support request directly to a technical support engineer,* call toll free 1-888-382-1583 or 1-440-646-3434, select Option 3 (Technical Support), then select Option 5 (More Options). When prompted, enter the appropriate three digit code from the tables below.
* Customers with an active TechConnect contract. Available in North America only.
Activation | Direct Dial Code |
Software Activations, Software Download Issues, FactoryTalk Updater | 010 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers | Direct Dial Code |
CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers Sales Support | 900 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Hardware Post-Sales Technical Support | 901 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Configuration Software (CIRCE™ , CenterOne® or PowerControl Builder™) | 902 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers DeviceNet, EtherNet or IntelliCENTER Software Support | 903 |
Controllers | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix®, GuardLogix, FlexLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 100 |
CompactLogix™, CompactGuardLogix hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 101 |
PLC-5®, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 102 |
SLC™ 500, MicroLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 103 |
SoftLogix™ 5 and 5000, programming software, I/O and instruction set | 105 |
PowerMonitor™ 500, 1000, 5000, 1411 Current transformers | 107 |
Micro800® Hardware | 110 |
Installation and software generated error support: Studio 5000 Logix Designer, RSLogix 5000®, 500 & 5, RSLinx Classic and RSNetWorx | 111 |
Connected Components Workbench™ | 112 |
Data Management Software | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, RSMACC™ | 600 |
RSBizWare™ (Historian™ Classic, PlantMetrics™, Scheduler™) | 601 |
FactoryTalk Historian SE | 602 |
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, RSSql™ | 603 |
FactoryTalk Batch, RSBatch™, eProcedure®, MaterialTrack™ | 604 |
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) & FactoryTalk Analytics | 605 |
PMX - MES, CTM | 606 |
FactoryTalk VantagePoint® | 607 |
ScanESC | 813 |
RASWin (Risk Assessment Software for Windows) | 814 |
Drives and Medium Voltage Products | Direct Dial Code |
Current Architecture Products - 7 series drives such as PowerFlex® 70/700, PowerFlex 753/755, PowerFlex 755T and PowerFlex 700S, drive communications, DriveExecutive™, DriveExplorer™, MegaDySC® 1608M , MiniDySC® 1608N, and ProDySC® 1608P | 500 |
Current Compact Products - 4 series drives such as PowerFlex 4, PowerFlex 40, PowerFlex 40P, PowerFlex 400, and 5-series drives such as PowerFlex 523 and PowerFlex 525, ArmorStart® Controllers (280-284) and ArmorConnect® Media (290-294) | 501 |
AC Legacy drives - PowerFlex 700H, 160, 1305, 1336 (Classic), 1336E (IM/PACT®), 1336F (Plus II), 1336R (Regen), 1336S (Plus), 1336T (FORCE™ Technology), 1336Z | 504 |
DC Legacy drives - 1395, 1397 | 510 |
PowerFlex DC drives | 511 |
Reliance Electric™ - LiquiFlo and Standard Drives | 512 |
Medium Voltage - PowerFlex 7000, PowerFlex 6000 and 1557™ Drives, 1500 Contactors and Soft Starters, 857 and 865 Feeder/Motor Protection Relay, OneGear™ Controllers, 1591 Load Break Switches, PowerBrick™ Technology | 513 |
Integrated Condition Monitoring (Entek®) | Direct Dial Code |
XM®, Enpac®, Datapac®, Enwatch®, Emonitor®, Enshare®, RSMACC Enterprise Online, Vibration Sensors, Dynamix™ Data Collectors, Accelerometers, Eddy Current Probes | 700 |
Low Voltage Industrial Control Components | Direct Dial Code |
Contactors and Starters, Pushbuttons, Terminal Blocks, 700 Relays and Timers, Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches, 1497 Transformers, 4983 Surge Protection | 800 |
Condition Sensing Switches (836-840 Mechanical Pressure, Temperature and Float, 808 Speed, 803 Rotating Cam Switches) | 801 |
Signaling Alarms, Beacons, Horns and Lights (854, 855) | 802 |
150-154 SMC™ Smart Motor Controllers and 156 Solid-State Contactors | 804 |
Electronic Motor Protection (E1 and E3 Plus, E300, 825 Overload Relays, 193-DNENCAT, 2100-ENET EtherNet Comm Modules, 1608 Voltage Sag Monitor | 805 |
1606 and 1607 Power Supplies, 1609 Uninterruptible Power Supply, 1492 Printer/Plotter and IFM Modules | 806 |
900TC Temperature Controllers, 931 Conditioners, 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules | 807 |
Motor Protection Relays (809-819, 1409) and Motor Winding Heaters (1410) | 808 |
Limit, Photoelectric and Proximity Switches, Connection Systems, and Media | 809 |
Safety Mats (440, 442), Relays and Switches, Laser Scanners, Encoders (842-847) | 810 |
Advanced Sensing (54RF, 55RF, 56RF RFID Tags, MultiSight™ Sensors) | 811 |
Hazardous Location Applications | 812 |
Motion | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix Motion, Interface Cards and Associated Software | 400 |
Kinetix® Servo Drives and Motors and Associated Software (includes Ultra 3000) | 401 |
1394, S-Class, GML™ Commander | 404 |
CNC™ Motion 8500, 8520, 9230, 9240, 9260, 9290 , 9440, 9 Series | 405 |
IMC Motion (121, 123, 110, ODS Software), HSRV, HSTP | 407 |
Allen-Bradley Legacy Servo Drives (1326, 1387, 1388, 1391, 1392, 1398), 8720 | 408 |
iTrak, MagneMotion, MagneMover Lite, and Quickstick Support | 410 |
NetLinx | Direct Dial Code |
RSLinx® Classic, RSLinx Enterprise and FactoryTalk Linx | 301 |
1784 Communications Cards, Remote Access Dial in Modems, 9300-USBS | 302 |
Stratix® Network Switches, 9300-ENA | 303 |
Packaged Solutions | Direct Dial Code |
RAPID Line Integration™ | 007 |
Process Safety | Direct Dial Code |
AADvance® Control System, Trusted® Control System, OptiSIS® Solution | 750 |
PlantPAx / RapidLaunch | Direct Dial Code |
PlantPAx®, RapidLaunch | 008 |
Visualization | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® View SE, RSView SE, RSView®32 | 200 |
ThinManager® ** | 201 |
FactoryTalk® View ME, RSView® ME, PanelView™ Plus Graphic Terminals, Studio 5000 View Designer and PanelView 5500 | 202 |
PanelView Classic, Standard, Enhanced Terminals and PanelBuilder™ Software | 203 |
PanelView Component and PanelView 800 | 204 |
Message Displays | 205 |
Industrial Computers and Monitors | 206 |
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea gratuita: 0800 444 7260
Línea local: (+54) 11 5554 4005
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea local: (+54) 11 5554-4080
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea gratuita: 800 10 0632
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central Región Cono Sur: (+54) 11 5554 4080
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Para entrar em contato com o Remote Support:
Linha local: (+55) 11 5189 9500
Linha nos Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650 (opção 2 para português)
Para entrar em contato com o Customer Care:
Distribuidor: (+55) 11 5189 9400
Cliente final: (+55) 11 5189 9500
Um contrato TechConnect pode ser necessário para permitir o uso de alguns recursos online e/ou obter suporte técnico.
Produtos Rockwell Automation estão sujeitos a diferentes necessidades de certificação e registro por todo o mundo, e nem todos os produtos podem estar disponíveis para venda ou uso na sua região em particular. Por favor entre em contato com nosso escritório de vendas local ou distribuidor autorizado para informações adicionais sobre a disponibilidade local de produtos.
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea gratuita: 1230 020 2039
Línea local: (+56) 2 2290 0756
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea local: (+56) 2 2290 0701
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea gratuita: 01 800 5 1 89093
Línea local: (+57) 601 649 9728
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea local: (+57) 601 649 9632
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Costa Rica
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea gratuita: 0 800 011 1369
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central Región Andina: (+57) 601 649 9632
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Republica Dominicana
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea central Región Andina: (+57) 601 649 9728
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central Región Andina: (+57) 601 649 9632
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas de Rockwell Automation o a su distribuidor autorizado, para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos.
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea gratuita: 1 800 225 528, luego marcar 844 477 8411
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central Región Andina: (+57) 601 649 9632
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
El Salvador
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea gratuita: 800 6496
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central México: (+52) 55 5246 2010
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Líneas gratuitas:
001 888 365 8677
001 877 211 1568
001 877 211 1779
Líneas locales:
(+52) 55 1105 8355
(+52) 55 5246 3657
(+52) 55 5246 3658
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
línea local: (+52) 55 5246 2010
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea central México: (+52) 55 1105 8355
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central México: (+52) 55 5246 2010
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea central Región Cono Sur: (+54) 11 5554 4005
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central Región Cono Sur: (+54) 11 5554 4080
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea gratuita: 0800 76 803
Línea local: (+51) 1 211 4907
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea local: (+51) 1 211 4912
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea central Región Cono Sur: (+54) 11 5554 4005
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central Región Cono Sur: (+54) 11 5554 4080
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea gratuita: 0800 100 5815
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central Región Andina: (+57) 601 649 9632
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
For Remote Support, call 1-440-646-3434 (go directly to a product support specialist with Direct Dial Codes or view PDF).
For Customer Care assistance, call 1-787-300-6240.
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Direct Dial Codes
To route your phone support request directly to a technical support engineer,* call toll free 1-888-382-1583 or 1-440-646-3434, select Option 3 (Technical Support), then select Option 5 (More Options). When prompted, enter the appropriate three digit code from the tables below.
* Customers with an active TechConnect contract. Available in North America only.
Activation | Direct Dial Code |
Software Activations, Software Download Issues, FactoryTalk Updater | 010 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers | Direct Dial Code |
CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers Sales Support | 900 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Hardware Post-Sales Technical Support | 901 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Configuration Software (CIRCE™ , CenterOne® or PowerControl Builder™) | 902 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers DeviceNet, EtherNet or IntelliCENTER Software Support | 903 |
Controllers | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix®, GuardLogix, FlexLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 100 |
CompactLogix™, CompactGuardLogix hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 101 |
PLC-5®, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 102 |
SLC™ 500, MicroLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 103 |
SoftLogix™ 5 and 5000, programming software, I/O and instruction set | 105 |
PowerMonitor™ 500, 1000, 5000, 1411 Current transformers | 107 |
Micro800® Hardware | 110 |
Installation and software generated error support: Studio 5000 Logix Designer, RSLogix 5000®, 500 & 5, RSLinx Classic and RSNetWorx | 111 |
Connected Components Workbench™ | 112 |
Data Management Software | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, RSMACC™ | 600 |
RSBizWare™ (Historian™ Classic, PlantMetrics™, Scheduler™) | 601 |
FactoryTalk Historian SE | 602 |
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, RSSql™ | 603 |
FactoryTalk Batch, RSBatch™, eProcedure®, MaterialTrack™ | 604 |
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) & FactoryTalk Analytics | 605 |
PMX - MES, CTM | 606 |
FactoryTalk VantagePoint® | 607 |
ScanESC | 813 |
RASWin (Risk Assessment Software for Windows) | 814 |
Drives and Medium Voltage Products | Direct Dial Code |
Current Architecture Products - 7 series drives such as PowerFlex® 70/700, PowerFlex 753/755, PowerFlex 755T and PowerFlex 700S, drive communications, DriveExecutive™, DriveExplorer™, MegaDySC® 1608M , MiniDySC® 1608N, and ProDySC® 1608P | 500 |
Current Compact Products - 4 series drives such as PowerFlex 4, PowerFlex 40, PowerFlex 40P, PowerFlex 400, and 5-series drives such as PowerFlex 523 and PowerFlex 525, ArmorStart® Controllers (280-284) and ArmorConnect® Media (290-294) | 501 |
AC Legacy drives - PowerFlex 700H, 160, 1305, 1336 (Classic), 1336E (IM/PACT®), 1336F (Plus II), 1336R (Regen), 1336S (Plus), 1336T (FORCE™ Technology), 1336Z | 504 |
DC Legacy drives - 1395, 1397 | 510 |
PowerFlex DC drives | 511 |
Reliance Electric™ - LiquiFlo and Standard Drives | 512 |
Medium Voltage - PowerFlex 7000, PowerFlex 6000 and 1557™ Drives, 1500 Contactors and Soft Starters, 857 and 865 Feeder/Motor Protection Relay, OneGear™ Controllers, 1591 Load Break Switches, PowerBrick™ Technology | 513 |
Integrated Condition Monitoring (Entek®) | Direct Dial Code |
XM®, Enpac®, Datapac®, Enwatch®, Emonitor®, Enshare®, RSMACC Enterprise Online, Vibration Sensors, Dynamix™ Data Collectors, Accelerometers, Eddy Current Probes | 700 |
Low Voltage Industrial Control Components | Direct Dial Code |
Contactors and Starters, Pushbuttons, Terminal Blocks, 700 Relays and Timers, Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches, 1497 Transformers, 4983 Surge Protection | 800 |
Condition Sensing Switches (836-840 Mechanical Pressure, Temperature and Float, 808 Speed, 803 Rotating Cam Switches) | 801 |
Signaling Alarms, Beacons, Horns and Lights (854, 855) | 802 |
150-154 SMC™ Smart Motor Controllers and 156 Solid-State Contactors | 804 |
Electronic Motor Protection (E1 and E3 Plus, E300, 825 Overload Relays, 193-DNENCAT, 2100-ENET EtherNet Comm Modules, 1608 Voltage Sag Monitor | 805 |
1606 and 1607 Power Supplies, 1609 Uninterruptible Power Supply, 1492 Printer/Plotter and IFM Modules | 806 |
900TC Temperature Controllers, 931 Conditioners, 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules | 807 |
Motor Protection Relays (809-819, 1409) and Motor Winding Heaters (1410) | 808 |
Limit, Photoelectric and Proximity Switches, Connection Systems, and Media | 809 |
Safety Mats (440, 442), Relays and Switches, Laser Scanners, Encoders (842-847) | 810 |
Advanced Sensing (54RF, 55RF, 56RF RFID Tags, MultiSight™ Sensors) | 811 |
Hazardous Location Applications | 812 |
Motion | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix Motion, Interface Cards and Associated Software | 400 |
Kinetix® Servo Drives and Motors and Associated Software (includes Ultra 3000) | 401 |
1394, S-Class, GML™ Commander | 404 |
CNC™ Motion 8500, 8520, 9230, 9240, 9260, 9290 , 9440, 9 Series | 405 |
IMC Motion (121, 123, 110, ODS Software), HSRV, HSTP | 407 |
Allen-Bradley Legacy Servo Drives (1326, 1387, 1388, 1391, 1392, 1398), 8720 | 408 |
iTrak, MagneMotion, MagneMover Lite, and Quickstick Support | 410 |
NetLinx | Direct Dial Code |
RSLinx® Classic, RSLinx Enterprise and FactoryTalk Linx | 301 |
1784 Communications Cards, Remote Access Dial in Modems, 9300-USBS | 302 |
Stratix® Network Switches, 9300-ENA | 303 |
Packaged Solutions | Direct Dial Code |
RAPID Line Integration™ | 007 |
Process Safety | Direct Dial Code |
AADvance® Control System, Trusted® Control System, OptiSIS® Solution | 750 |
PlantPAx / RapidLaunch | Direct Dial Code |
PlantPAx®, RapidLaunch | 008 |
Visualization | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® View SE, RSView SE, RSView®32 | 200 |
ThinManager® ** | 201 |
FactoryTalk® View ME, RSView® ME, PanelView™ Plus Graphic Terminals, Studio 5000 View Designer and PanelView 5500 | 202 |
PanelView Classic, Standard, Enhanced Terminals and PanelBuilder™ Software | 203 |
PanelView Component and PanelView 800 | 204 |
Message Displays | 205 |
Industrial Computers and Monitors | 206 |
For Remote Support, call 1-440-646-3434 (go directly to a product support specialist with Direct Dial Codes or view PDF).
For Customer Care assistance, call 1-787-300-6240.
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Direct Dial Codes
To route your phone support request directly to a technical support engineer,* call toll free 1-888-382-1583 or 1-440-646-3434, select Option 3 (Technical Support), then select Option 5 (More Options). When prompted, enter the appropriate three digit code from the tables below.
* Customers with an active TechConnect contract. Available in North America only.
Activation | Direct Dial Code |
Software Activations, Software Download Issues, FactoryTalk Updater | 010 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers | Direct Dial Code |
CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers Sales Support | 900 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Hardware Post-Sales Technical Support | 901 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Configuration Software (CIRCE™ , CenterOne® or PowerControl Builder™) | 902 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers DeviceNet, EtherNet or IntelliCENTER Software Support | 903 |
Controllers | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix®, GuardLogix, FlexLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 100 |
CompactLogix™, CompactGuardLogix hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 101 |
PLC-5®, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 102 |
SLC™ 500, MicroLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 103 |
SoftLogix™ 5 and 5000, programming software, I/O and instruction set | 105 |
PowerMonitor™ 500, 1000, 5000, 1411 Current transformers | 107 |
Micro800® Hardware | 110 |
Installation and software generated error support: Studio 5000 Logix Designer, RSLogix 5000®, 500 & 5, RSLinx Classic and RSNetWorx | 111 |
Connected Components Workbench™ | 112 |
Data Management Software | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, RSMACC™ | 600 |
RSBizWare™ (Historian™ Classic, PlantMetrics™, Scheduler™) | 601 |
FactoryTalk Historian SE | 602 |
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, RSSql™ | 603 |
FactoryTalk Batch, RSBatch™, eProcedure®, MaterialTrack™ | 604 |
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) & FactoryTalk Analytics | 605 |
PMX - MES, CTM | 606 |
FactoryTalk VantagePoint® | 607 |
ScanESC | 813 |
RASWin (Risk Assessment Software for Windows) | 814 |
Drives and Medium Voltage Products | Direct Dial Code |
Current Architecture Products - 7 series drives such as PowerFlex® 70/700, PowerFlex 753/755, PowerFlex 755T and PowerFlex 700S, drive communications, DriveExecutive™, DriveExplorer™, MegaDySC® 1608M , MiniDySC® 1608N, and ProDySC® 1608P | 500 |
Current Compact Products - 4 series drives such as PowerFlex 4, PowerFlex 40, PowerFlex 40P, PowerFlex 400, and 5-series drives such as PowerFlex 523 and PowerFlex 525, ArmorStart® Controllers (280-284) and ArmorConnect® Media (290-294) | 501 |
AC Legacy drives - PowerFlex 700H, 160, 1305, 1336 (Classic), 1336E (IM/PACT®), 1336F (Plus II), 1336R (Regen), 1336S (Plus), 1336T (FORCE™ Technology), 1336Z | 504 |
DC Legacy drives - 1395, 1397 | 510 |
PowerFlex DC drives | 511 |
Reliance Electric™ - LiquiFlo and Standard Drives | 512 |
Medium Voltage - PowerFlex 7000, PowerFlex 6000 and 1557™ Drives, 1500 Contactors and Soft Starters, 857 and 865 Feeder/Motor Protection Relay, OneGear™ Controllers, 1591 Load Break Switches, PowerBrick™ Technology | 513 |
Integrated Condition Monitoring (Entek®) | Direct Dial Code |
XM®, Enpac®, Datapac®, Enwatch®, Emonitor®, Enshare®, RSMACC Enterprise Online, Vibration Sensors, Dynamix™ Data Collectors, Accelerometers, Eddy Current Probes | 700 |
Low Voltage Industrial Control Components | Direct Dial Code |
Contactors and Starters, Pushbuttons, Terminal Blocks, 700 Relays and Timers, Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches, 1497 Transformers, 4983 Surge Protection | 800 |
Condition Sensing Switches (836-840 Mechanical Pressure, Temperature and Float, 808 Speed, 803 Rotating Cam Switches) | 801 |
Signaling Alarms, Beacons, Horns and Lights (854, 855) | 802 |
150-154 SMC™ Smart Motor Controllers and 156 Solid-State Contactors | 804 |
Electronic Motor Protection (E1 and E3 Plus, E300, 825 Overload Relays, 193-DNENCAT, 2100-ENET EtherNet Comm Modules, 1608 Voltage Sag Monitor | 805 |
1606 and 1607 Power Supplies, 1609 Uninterruptible Power Supply, 1492 Printer/Plotter and IFM Modules | 806 |
900TC Temperature Controllers, 931 Conditioners, 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules | 807 |
Motor Protection Relays (809-819, 1409) and Motor Winding Heaters (1410) | 808 |
Limit, Photoelectric and Proximity Switches, Connection Systems, and Media | 809 |
Safety Mats (440, 442), Relays and Switches, Laser Scanners, Encoders (842-847) | 810 |
Advanced Sensing (54RF, 55RF, 56RF RFID Tags, MultiSight™ Sensors) | 811 |
Hazardous Location Applications | 812 |
Motion | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix Motion, Interface Cards and Associated Software | 400 |
Kinetix® Servo Drives and Motors and Associated Software (includes Ultra 3000) | 401 |
1394, S-Class, GML™ Commander | 404 |
CNC™ Motion 8500, 8520, 9230, 9240, 9260, 9290 , 9440, 9 Series | 405 |
IMC Motion (121, 123, 110, ODS Software), HSRV, HSTP | 407 |
Allen-Bradley Legacy Servo Drives (1326, 1387, 1388, 1391, 1392, 1398), 8720 | 408 |
iTrak, MagneMotion, MagneMover Lite, and Quickstick Support | 410 |
NetLinx | Direct Dial Code |
RSLinx® Classic, RSLinx Enterprise and FactoryTalk Linx | 301 |
1784 Communications Cards, Remote Access Dial in Modems, 9300-USBS | 302 |
Stratix® Network Switches, 9300-ENA | 303 |
Packaged Solutions | Direct Dial Code |
RAPID Line Integration™ | 007 |
Process Safety | Direct Dial Code |
AADvance® Control System, Trusted® Control System, OptiSIS® Solution | 750 |
PlantPAx / RapidLaunch | Direct Dial Code |
PlantPAx®, RapidLaunch | 008 |
Visualization | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® View SE, RSView SE, RSView®32 | 200 |
ThinManager® ** | 201 |
FactoryTalk® View ME, RSView® ME, PanelView™ Plus Graphic Terminals, Studio 5000 View Designer and PanelView 5500 | 202 |
PanelView Classic, Standard, Enhanced Terminals and PanelBuilder™ Software | 203 |
PanelView Component and PanelView 800 | 204 |
Message Displays | 205 |
Industrial Computers and Monitors | 206 |
For Remote Support, call 1-440-646-3434 (go directly to a product support specialist with Direct Dial Codes or view PDF).
For Customer Care assistance, call 1-787-300-6240.
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Direct Dial Codes
To route your phone support request directly to a technical support engineer,* call toll free 1-888-382-1583 or 1-440-646-3434, select Option 3 (Technical Support), then select Option 5 (More Options). When prompted, enter the appropriate three digit code from the tables below.
* Customers with an active TechConnect contract. Available in North America only.
Activation | Direct Dial Code |
Software Activations, Software Download Issues, FactoryTalk Updater | 010 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers | Direct Dial Code |
CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers Sales Support | 900 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Hardware Post-Sales Technical Support | 901 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Configuration Software (CIRCE™ , CenterOne® or PowerControl Builder™) | 902 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers DeviceNet, EtherNet or IntelliCENTER Software Support | 903 |
Controllers | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix®, GuardLogix, FlexLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 100 |
CompactLogix™, CompactGuardLogix hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 101 |
PLC-5®, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 102 |
SLC™ 500, MicroLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 103 |
SoftLogix™ 5 and 5000, programming software, I/O and instruction set | 105 |
PowerMonitor™ 500, 1000, 5000, 1411 Current transformers | 107 |
Micro800® Hardware | 110 |
Installation and software generated error support: Studio 5000 Logix Designer, RSLogix 5000®, 500 & 5, RSLinx Classic and RSNetWorx | 111 |
Connected Components Workbench™ | 112 |
Data Management Software | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, RSMACC™ | 600 |
RSBizWare™ (Historian™ Classic, PlantMetrics™, Scheduler™) | 601 |
FactoryTalk Historian SE | 602 |
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, RSSql™ | 603 |
FactoryTalk Batch, RSBatch™, eProcedure®, MaterialTrack™ | 604 |
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) & FactoryTalk Analytics | 605 |
PMX - MES, CTM | 606 |
FactoryTalk VantagePoint® | 607 |
ScanESC | 813 |
RASWin (Risk Assessment Software for Windows) | 814 |
Drives and Medium Voltage Products | Direct Dial Code |
Current Architecture Products - 7 series drives such as PowerFlex® 70/700, PowerFlex 753/755, PowerFlex 755T and PowerFlex 700S, drive communications, DriveExecutive™, DriveExplorer™, MegaDySC® 1608M , MiniDySC® 1608N, and ProDySC® 1608P | 500 |
Current Compact Products - 4 series drives such as PowerFlex 4, PowerFlex 40, PowerFlex 40P, PowerFlex 400, and 5-series drives such as PowerFlex 523 and PowerFlex 525, ArmorStart® Controllers (280-284) and ArmorConnect® Media (290-294) | 501 |
AC Legacy drives - PowerFlex 700H, 160, 1305, 1336 (Classic), 1336E (IM/PACT®), 1336F (Plus II), 1336R (Regen), 1336S (Plus), 1336T (FORCE™ Technology), 1336Z | 504 |
DC Legacy drives - 1395, 1397 | 510 |
PowerFlex DC drives | 511 |
Reliance Electric™ - LiquiFlo and Standard Drives | 512 |
Medium Voltage - PowerFlex 7000, PowerFlex 6000 and 1557™ Drives, 1500 Contactors and Soft Starters, 857 and 865 Feeder/Motor Protection Relay, OneGear™ Controllers, 1591 Load Break Switches, PowerBrick™ Technology | 513 |
Integrated Condition Monitoring (Entek®) | Direct Dial Code |
XM®, Enpac®, Datapac®, Enwatch®, Emonitor®, Enshare®, RSMACC Enterprise Online, Vibration Sensors, Dynamix™ Data Collectors, Accelerometers, Eddy Current Probes | 700 |
Low Voltage Industrial Control Components | Direct Dial Code |
Contactors and Starters, Pushbuttons, Terminal Blocks, 700 Relays and Timers, Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches, 1497 Transformers, 4983 Surge Protection | 800 |
Condition Sensing Switches (836-840 Mechanical Pressure, Temperature and Float, 808 Speed, 803 Rotating Cam Switches) | 801 |
Signaling Alarms, Beacons, Horns and Lights (854, 855) | 802 |
150-154 SMC™ Smart Motor Controllers and 156 Solid-State Contactors | 804 |
Electronic Motor Protection (E1 and E3 Plus, E300, 825 Overload Relays, 193-DNENCAT, 2100-ENET EtherNet Comm Modules, 1608 Voltage Sag Monitor | 805 |
1606 and 1607 Power Supplies, 1609 Uninterruptible Power Supply, 1492 Printer/Plotter and IFM Modules | 806 |
900TC Temperature Controllers, 931 Conditioners, 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules | 807 |
Motor Protection Relays (809-819, 1409) and Motor Winding Heaters (1410) | 808 |
Limit, Photoelectric and Proximity Switches, Connection Systems, and Media | 809 |
Safety Mats (440, 442), Relays and Switches, Laser Scanners, Encoders (842-847) | 810 |
Advanced Sensing (54RF, 55RF, 56RF RFID Tags, MultiSight™ Sensors) | 811 |
Hazardous Location Applications | 812 |
Motion | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix Motion, Interface Cards and Associated Software | 400 |
Kinetix® Servo Drives and Motors and Associated Software (includes Ultra 3000) | 401 |
1394, S-Class, GML™ Commander | 404 |
CNC™ Motion 8500, 8520, 9230, 9240, 9260, 9290 , 9440, 9 Series | 405 |
IMC Motion (121, 123, 110, ODS Software), HSRV, HSTP | 407 |
Allen-Bradley Legacy Servo Drives (1326, 1387, 1388, 1391, 1392, 1398), 8720 | 408 |
iTrak, MagneMotion, MagneMover Lite, and Quickstick Support | 410 |
NetLinx | Direct Dial Code |
RSLinx® Classic, RSLinx Enterprise and FactoryTalk Linx | 301 |
1784 Communications Cards, Remote Access Dial in Modems, 9300-USBS | 302 |
Stratix® Network Switches, 9300-ENA | 303 |
Packaged Solutions | Direct Dial Code |
RAPID Line Integration™ | 007 |
Process Safety | Direct Dial Code |
AADvance® Control System, Trusted® Control System, OptiSIS® Solution | 750 |
PlantPAx / RapidLaunch | Direct Dial Code |
PlantPAx®, RapidLaunch | 008 |
Visualization | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® View SE, RSView SE, RSView®32 | 200 |
ThinManager® ** | 201 |
FactoryTalk® View ME, RSView® ME, PanelView™ Plus Graphic Terminals, Studio 5000 View Designer and PanelView 5500 | 202 |
PanelView Classic, Standard, Enhanced Terminals and PanelBuilder™ Software | 203 |
PanelView Component and PanelView 800 | 204 |
Message Displays | 205 |
Industrial Computers and Monitors | 206 |
For Remote Support, call 1-440-646-3434 (go directly to a product support specialist with Direct Dial Codes or view PDF).
For Customer Care assistance, call 1-787-300-6240.
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Direct Dial Codes
To route your phone support request directly to a technical support engineer,* call toll free 1-888-382-1583 or 1-440-646-3434, select Option 3 (Technical Support), then select Option 5 (More Options). When prompted, enter the appropriate three digit code from the tables below.
* Customers with an active TechConnect contract. Available in North America only.
Activation | Direct Dial Code |
Software Activations, Software Download Issues, FactoryTalk Updater | 010 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers | Direct Dial Code |
CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers Sales Support | 900 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Hardware Post-Sales Technical Support | 901 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Configuration Software (CIRCE™ , CenterOne® or PowerControl Builder™) | 902 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers DeviceNet, EtherNet or IntelliCENTER Software Support | 903 |
Controllers | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix®, GuardLogix, FlexLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 100 |
CompactLogix™, CompactGuardLogix hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 101 |
PLC-5®, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 102 |
SLC™ 500, MicroLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 103 |
SoftLogix™ 5 and 5000, programming software, I/O and instruction set | 105 |
PowerMonitor™ 500, 1000, 5000, 1411 Current transformers | 107 |
Micro800® Hardware | 110 |
Installation and software generated error support: Studio 5000 Logix Designer, RSLogix 5000®, 500 & 5, RSLinx Classic and RSNetWorx | 111 |
Connected Components Workbench™ | 112 |
Data Management Software | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, RSMACC™ | 600 |
RSBizWare™ (Historian™ Classic, PlantMetrics™, Scheduler™) | 601 |
FactoryTalk Historian SE | 602 |
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, RSSql™ | 603 |
FactoryTalk Batch, RSBatch™, eProcedure®, MaterialTrack™ | 604 |
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) & FactoryTalk Analytics | 605 |
PMX - MES, CTM | 606 |
FactoryTalk VantagePoint® | 607 |
ScanESC | 813 |
RASWin (Risk Assessment Software for Windows) | 814 |
Drives and Medium Voltage Products | Direct Dial Code |
Current Architecture Products - 7 series drives such as PowerFlex® 70/700, PowerFlex 753/755, PowerFlex 755T and PowerFlex 700S, drive communications, DriveExecutive™, DriveExplorer™, MegaDySC® 1608M , MiniDySC® 1608N, and ProDySC® 1608P | 500 |
Current Compact Products - 4 series drives such as PowerFlex 4, PowerFlex 40, PowerFlex 40P, PowerFlex 400, and 5-series drives such as PowerFlex 523 and PowerFlex 525, ArmorStart® Controllers (280-284) and ArmorConnect® Media (290-294) | 501 |
AC Legacy drives - PowerFlex 700H, 160, 1305, 1336 (Classic), 1336E (IM/PACT®), 1336F (Plus II), 1336R (Regen), 1336S (Plus), 1336T (FORCE™ Technology), 1336Z | 504 |
DC Legacy drives - 1395, 1397 | 510 |
PowerFlex DC drives | 511 |
Reliance Electric™ - LiquiFlo and Standard Drives | 512 |
Medium Voltage - PowerFlex 7000, PowerFlex 6000 and 1557™ Drives, 1500 Contactors and Soft Starters, 857 and 865 Feeder/Motor Protection Relay, OneGear™ Controllers, 1591 Load Break Switches, PowerBrick™ Technology | 513 |
Integrated Condition Monitoring (Entek®) | Direct Dial Code |
XM®, Enpac®, Datapac®, Enwatch®, Emonitor®, Enshare®, RSMACC Enterprise Online, Vibration Sensors, Dynamix™ Data Collectors, Accelerometers, Eddy Current Probes | 700 |
Low Voltage Industrial Control Components | Direct Dial Code |
Contactors and Starters, Pushbuttons, Terminal Blocks, 700 Relays and Timers, Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches, 1497 Transformers, 4983 Surge Protection | 800 |
Condition Sensing Switches (836-840 Mechanical Pressure, Temperature and Float, 808 Speed, 803 Rotating Cam Switches) | 801 |
Signaling Alarms, Beacons, Horns and Lights (854, 855) | 802 |
150-154 SMC™ Smart Motor Controllers and 156 Solid-State Contactors | 804 |
Electronic Motor Protection (E1 and E3 Plus, E300, 825 Overload Relays, 193-DNENCAT, 2100-ENET EtherNet Comm Modules, 1608 Voltage Sag Monitor | 805 |
1606 and 1607 Power Supplies, 1609 Uninterruptible Power Supply, 1492 Printer/Plotter and IFM Modules | 806 |
900TC Temperature Controllers, 931 Conditioners, 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules | 807 |
Motor Protection Relays (809-819, 1409) and Motor Winding Heaters (1410) | 808 |
Limit, Photoelectric and Proximity Switches, Connection Systems, and Media | 809 |
Safety Mats (440, 442), Relays and Switches, Laser Scanners, Encoders (842-847) | 810 |
Advanced Sensing (54RF, 55RF, 56RF RFID Tags, MultiSight™ Sensors) | 811 |
Hazardous Location Applications | 812 |
Motion | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix Motion, Interface Cards and Associated Software | 400 |
Kinetix® Servo Drives and Motors and Associated Software (includes Ultra 3000) | 401 |
1394, S-Class, GML™ Commander | 404 |
CNC™ Motion 8500, 8520, 9230, 9240, 9260, 9290 , 9440, 9 Series | 405 |
IMC Motion (121, 123, 110, ODS Software), HSRV, HSTP | 407 |
Allen-Bradley Legacy Servo Drives (1326, 1387, 1388, 1391, 1392, 1398), 8720 | 408 |
iTrak, MagneMotion, MagneMover Lite, and Quickstick Support | 410 |
NetLinx | Direct Dial Code |
RSLinx® Classic, RSLinx Enterprise and FactoryTalk Linx | 301 |
1784 Communications Cards, Remote Access Dial in Modems, 9300-USBS | 302 |
Stratix® Network Switches, 9300-ENA | 303 |
Packaged Solutions | Direct Dial Code |
RAPID Line Integration™ | 007 |
Process Safety | Direct Dial Code |
AADvance® Control System, Trusted® Control System, OptiSIS® Solution | 750 |
PlantPAx / RapidLaunch | Direct Dial Code |
PlantPAx®, RapidLaunch | 008 |
Visualization | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® View SE, RSView SE, RSView®32 | 200 |
ThinManager® ** | 201 |
FactoryTalk® View ME, RSView® ME, PanelView™ Plus Graphic Terminals, Studio 5000 View Designer and PanelView 5500 | 202 |
PanelView Classic, Standard, Enhanced Terminals and PanelBuilder™ Software | 203 |
PanelView Component and PanelView 800 | 204 |
Message Displays | 205 |
Industrial Computers and Monitors | 206 |
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea gratuita: 1 800 288 0108
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central México: (+52) 55 5246 2010
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea central México: (+52) 55 1105 8355
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central México: (+52) 55 5246 2010
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
For Remote Support, call 1-440-646-3434 (go directly to a product support specialist with Direct Dial Codes or view PDF).
For Customer Care assistance, call 1-787-300-6240.
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Direct Dial Codes
To route your phone support request directly to a technical support engineer,* call toll free 1-888-382-1583 or 1-440-646-3434, select Option 3 (Technical Support), then select Option 5 (More Options). When prompted, enter the appropriate three digit code from the tables below.
* Customers with an active TechConnect contract. Available in North America only.
Activation | Direct Dial Code |
Software Activations, Software Download Issues, FactoryTalk Updater | 010 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers | Direct Dial Code |
CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers Sales Support | 900 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Hardware Post-Sales Technical Support | 901 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Configuration Software (CIRCE™ , CenterOne® or PowerControl Builder™) | 902 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers DeviceNet, EtherNet or IntelliCENTER Software Support | 903 |
Controllers | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix®, GuardLogix, FlexLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 100 |
CompactLogix™, CompactGuardLogix hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 101 |
PLC-5®, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 102 |
SLC™ 500, MicroLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 103 |
SoftLogix™ 5 and 5000, programming software, I/O and instruction set | 105 |
PowerMonitor™ 500, 1000, 5000, 1411 Current transformers | 107 |
Micro800® Hardware | 110 |
Installation and software generated error support: Studio 5000 Logix Designer, RSLogix 5000®, 500 & 5, RSLinx Classic and RSNetWorx | 111 |
Connected Components Workbench™ | 112 |
Data Management Software | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, RSMACC™ | 600 |
RSBizWare™ (Historian™ Classic, PlantMetrics™, Scheduler™) | 601 |
FactoryTalk Historian SE | 602 |
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, RSSql™ | 603 |
FactoryTalk Batch, RSBatch™, eProcedure®, MaterialTrack™ | 604 |
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) & FactoryTalk Analytics | 605 |
PMX - MES, CTM | 606 |
FactoryTalk VantagePoint® | 607 |
ScanESC | 813 |
RASWin (Risk Assessment Software for Windows) | 814 |
Drives and Medium Voltage Products | Direct Dial Code |
Current Architecture Products - 7 series drives such as PowerFlex® 70/700, PowerFlex 753/755, PowerFlex 755T and PowerFlex 700S, drive communications, DriveExecutive™, DriveExplorer™, MegaDySC® 1608M , MiniDySC® 1608N, and ProDySC® 1608P | 500 |
Current Compact Products - 4 series drives such as PowerFlex 4, PowerFlex 40, PowerFlex 40P, PowerFlex 400, and 5-series drives such as PowerFlex 523 and PowerFlex 525, ArmorStart® Controllers (280-284) and ArmorConnect® Media (290-294) | 501 |
AC Legacy drives - PowerFlex 700H, 160, 1305, 1336 (Classic), 1336E (IM/PACT®), 1336F (Plus II), 1336R (Regen), 1336S (Plus), 1336T (FORCE™ Technology), 1336Z | 504 |
DC Legacy drives - 1395, 1397 | 510 |
PowerFlex DC drives | 511 |
Reliance Electric™ - LiquiFlo and Standard Drives | 512 |
Medium Voltage - PowerFlex 7000, PowerFlex 6000 and 1557™ Drives, 1500 Contactors and Soft Starters, 857 and 865 Feeder/Motor Protection Relay, OneGear™ Controllers, 1591 Load Break Switches, PowerBrick™ Technology | 513 |
Integrated Condition Monitoring (Entek®) | Direct Dial Code |
XM®, Enpac®, Datapac®, Enwatch®, Emonitor®, Enshare®, RSMACC Enterprise Online, Vibration Sensors, Dynamix™ Data Collectors, Accelerometers, Eddy Current Probes | 700 |
Low Voltage Industrial Control Components | Direct Dial Code |
Contactors and Starters, Pushbuttons, Terminal Blocks, 700 Relays and Timers, Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches, 1497 Transformers, 4983 Surge Protection | 800 |
Condition Sensing Switches (836-840 Mechanical Pressure, Temperature and Float, 808 Speed, 803 Rotating Cam Switches) | 801 |
Signaling Alarms, Beacons, Horns and Lights (854, 855) | 802 |
150-154 SMC™ Smart Motor Controllers and 156 Solid-State Contactors | 804 |
Electronic Motor Protection (E1 and E3 Plus, E300, 825 Overload Relays, 193-DNENCAT, 2100-ENET EtherNet Comm Modules, 1608 Voltage Sag Monitor | 805 |
1606 and 1607 Power Supplies, 1609 Uninterruptible Power Supply, 1492 Printer/Plotter and IFM Modules | 806 |
900TC Temperature Controllers, 931 Conditioners, 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules | 807 |
Motor Protection Relays (809-819, 1409) and Motor Winding Heaters (1410) | 808 |
Limit, Photoelectric and Proximity Switches, Connection Systems, and Media | 809 |
Safety Mats (440, 442), Relays and Switches, Laser Scanners, Encoders (842-847) | 810 |
Advanced Sensing (54RF, 55RF, 56RF RFID Tags, MultiSight™ Sensors) | 811 |
Hazardous Location Applications | 812 |
Motion | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix Motion, Interface Cards and Associated Software | 400 |
Kinetix® Servo Drives and Motors and Associated Software (includes Ultra 3000) | 401 |
1394, S-Class, GML™ Commander | 404 |
CNC™ Motion 8500, 8520, 9230, 9240, 9260, 9290 , 9440, 9 Series | 405 |
IMC Motion (121, 123, 110, ODS Software), HSRV, HSTP | 407 |
Allen-Bradley Legacy Servo Drives (1326, 1387, 1388, 1391, 1392, 1398), 8720 | 408 |
iTrak, MagneMotion, MagneMover Lite, and Quickstick Support | 410 |
NetLinx | Direct Dial Code |
RSLinx® Classic, RSLinx Enterprise and FactoryTalk Linx | 301 |
1784 Communications Cards, Remote Access Dial in Modems, 9300-USBS | 302 |
Stratix® Network Switches, 9300-ENA | 303 |
Packaged Solutions | Direct Dial Code |
RAPID Line Integration™ | 007 |
Process Safety | Direct Dial Code |
AADvance® Control System, Trusted® Control System, OptiSIS® Solution | 750 |
PlantPAx / RapidLaunch | Direct Dial Code |
PlantPAx®, RapidLaunch | 008 |
Visualization | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® View SE, RSView SE, RSView®32 | 200 |
ThinManager® ** | 201 |
FactoryTalk® View ME, RSView® ME, PanelView™ Plus Graphic Terminals, Studio 5000 View Designer and PanelView 5500 | 202 |
PanelView Classic, Standard, Enhanced Terminals and PanelBuilder™ Software | 203 |
PanelView Component and PanelView 800 | 204 |
Message Displays | 205 |
Industrial Computers and Monitors | 206 |
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea gratuita: 001 844 831 5501
Línea en español en Estados Unidos: (+1) 440 646 3650
Para contactar a Customer Care:
Línea central Región Andina: (+57) 601 649 9632
Línea en español en Estados Unidos:(+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Puerto Rico
Para contactar a Remote Support:
Línea en español: (+1) 440 646 3650
Línea en ingles: (+1) 440 646 3434 (utilizar los códigos directos según producto, mirar PDF).
Para contactar a Customer Care (+1) 787 300 6240
Un contrato TechConnect podría ser necesario para utilizar algunas funciones en línea y obtener soporte telefónico.
Los productos de Rockwell Automation están sujetos a una variedad de requisitos de registro y certificación en todo el mundo, y no todos los productos puede que estén disponibles para la venta o uso en su región en particular. Por favor, contacte a su oficina local de ventas [En Inglés] de Rockwell Automation, o a su distribuidor autorizado Allen-Bradley para obtener más información sobre la disponibilidad de los productos localmente.
Turks & Caicos Islands
For Remote Support, call 1-440-646-3434 (go directly to a product support specialist with Direct Dial Codes or view PDF).
For Customer Care assistance, call 1-787-300-6240.
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Direct Dial Codes
To route your phone support request directly to a technical support engineer,* call toll free 1-888-382-1583 or 1-440-646-3434, select Option 3 (Technical Support), then select Option 5 (More Options). When prompted, enter the appropriate three digit code from the tables below.
* Customers with an active TechConnect contract. Available in North America only.
Activation | Direct Dial Code |
Software Activations, Software Download Issues, FactoryTalk Updater | 010 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers | Direct Dial Code |
CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers Sales Support | 900 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Hardware Post-Sales Technical Support | 901 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Configuration Software (CIRCE™ , CenterOne® or PowerControl Builder™) | 902 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers DeviceNet, EtherNet or IntelliCENTER Software Support | 903 |
Controllers | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix®, GuardLogix, FlexLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 100 |
CompactLogix™, CompactGuardLogix hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 101 |
PLC-5®, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 102 |
SLC™ 500, MicroLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 103 |
SoftLogix™ 5 and 5000, programming software, I/O and instruction set | 105 |
PowerMonitor™ 500, 1000, 5000, 1411 Current transformers | 107 |
Micro800® Hardware | 110 |
Installation and software generated error support: Studio 5000 Logix Designer, RSLogix 5000®, 500 & 5, RSLinx Classic and RSNetWorx | 111 |
Connected Components Workbench™ | 112 |
Data Management Software | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, RSMACC™ | 600 |
RSBizWare™ (Historian™ Classic, PlantMetrics™, Scheduler™) | 601 |
FactoryTalk Historian SE | 602 |
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, RSSql™ | 603 |
FactoryTalk Batch, RSBatch™, eProcedure®, MaterialTrack™ | 604 |
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) & FactoryTalk Analytics | 605 |
PMX - MES, CTM | 606 |
FactoryTalk VantagePoint® | 607 |
ScanESC | 813 |
RASWin (Risk Assessment Software for Windows) | 814 |
Drives and Medium Voltage Products | Direct Dial Code |
Current Architecture Products - 7 series drives such as PowerFlex® 70/700, PowerFlex 753/755, PowerFlex 755T and PowerFlex 700S, drive communications, DriveExecutive™, DriveExplorer™, MegaDySC® 1608M , MiniDySC® 1608N, and ProDySC® 1608P | 500 |
Current Compact Products - 4 series drives such as PowerFlex 4, PowerFlex 40, PowerFlex 40P, PowerFlex 400, and 5-series drives such as PowerFlex 523 and PowerFlex 525, ArmorStart® Controllers (280-284) and ArmorConnect® Media (290-294) | 501 |
AC Legacy drives - PowerFlex 700H, 160, 1305, 1336 (Classic), 1336E (IM/PACT®), 1336F (Plus II), 1336R (Regen), 1336S (Plus), 1336T (FORCE™ Technology), 1336Z | 504 |
DC Legacy drives - 1395, 1397 | 510 |
PowerFlex DC drives | 511 |
Reliance Electric™ - LiquiFlo and Standard Drives | 512 |
Medium Voltage - PowerFlex 7000, PowerFlex 6000 and 1557™ Drives, 1500 Contactors and Soft Starters, 857 and 865 Feeder/Motor Protection Relay, OneGear™ Controllers, 1591 Load Break Switches, PowerBrick™ Technology | 513 |
Integrated Condition Monitoring (Entek®) | Direct Dial Code |
XM®, Enpac®, Datapac®, Enwatch®, Emonitor®, Enshare®, RSMACC Enterprise Online, Vibration Sensors, Dynamix™ Data Collectors, Accelerometers, Eddy Current Probes | 700 |
Low Voltage Industrial Control Components | Direct Dial Code |
Contactors and Starters, Pushbuttons, Terminal Blocks, 700 Relays and Timers, Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches, 1497 Transformers, 4983 Surge Protection | 800 |
Condition Sensing Switches (836-840 Mechanical Pressure, Temperature and Float, 808 Speed, 803 Rotating Cam Switches) | 801 |
Signaling Alarms, Beacons, Horns and Lights (854, 855) | 802 |
150-154 SMC™ Smart Motor Controllers and 156 Solid-State Contactors | 804 |
Electronic Motor Protection (E1 and E3 Plus, E300, 825 Overload Relays, 193-DNENCAT, 2100-ENET EtherNet Comm Modules, 1608 Voltage Sag Monitor | 805 |
1606 and 1607 Power Supplies, 1609 Uninterruptible Power Supply, 1492 Printer/Plotter and IFM Modules | 806 |
900TC Temperature Controllers, 931 Conditioners, 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules | 807 |
Motor Protection Relays (809-819, 1409) and Motor Winding Heaters (1410) | 808 |
Limit, Photoelectric and Proximity Switches, Connection Systems, and Media | 809 |
Safety Mats (440, 442), Relays and Switches, Laser Scanners, Encoders (842-847) | 810 |
Advanced Sensing (54RF, 55RF, 56RF RFID Tags, MultiSight™ Sensors) | 811 |
Hazardous Location Applications | 812 |
Motion | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix Motion, Interface Cards and Associated Software | 400 |
Kinetix® Servo Drives and Motors and Associated Software (includes Ultra 3000) | 401 |
1394, S-Class, GML™ Commander | 404 |
CNC™ Motion 8500, 8520, 9230, 9240, 9260, 9290 , 9440, 9 Series | 405 |
IMC Motion (121, 123, 110, ODS Software), HSRV, HSTP | 407 |
Allen-Bradley Legacy Servo Drives (1326, 1387, 1388, 1391, 1392, 1398), 8720 | 408 |
iTrak, MagneMotion, MagneMover Lite, and Quickstick Support | 410 |
NetLinx | Direct Dial Code |
RSLinx® Classic, RSLinx Enterprise and FactoryTalk Linx | 301 |
1784 Communications Cards, Remote Access Dial in Modems, 9300-USBS | 302 |
Stratix® Network Switches, 9300-ENA | 303 |
Packaged Solutions | Direct Dial Code |
RAPID Line Integration™ | 007 |
Process Safety | Direct Dial Code |
AADvance® Control System, Trusted® Control System, OptiSIS® Solution | 750 |
PlantPAx / RapidLaunch | Direct Dial Code |
PlantPAx®, RapidLaunch | 008 |
Visualization | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® View SE, RSView SE, RSView®32 | 200 |
ThinManager® ** | 201 |
FactoryTalk® View ME, RSView® ME, PanelView™ Plus Graphic Terminals, Studio 5000 View Designer and PanelView 5500 | 202 |
PanelView Classic, Standard, Enhanced Terminals and PanelBuilder™ Software | 203 |
PanelView Component and PanelView 800 | 204 |
Message Displays | 205 |
Industrial Computers and Monitors | 206 |
U.S. Virgin islands
For Remote Support, call 1-440-646-3434 (go directly to a product support specialist with Direct Dial Codes or view PDF).
For Customer Care assistance, call 1-787-300-6240.
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Direct Dial Codes
To route your phone support request directly to a technical support engineer,* call toll free 1-888-382-1583 or 1-440-646-3434, select Option 3 (Technical Support), then select Option 5 (More Options). When prompted, enter the appropriate three digit code from the tables below.
* Customers with an active TechConnect contract. Available in North America only.
Activation | Direct Dial Code |
Software Activations, Software Download Issues, FactoryTalk Updater | 010 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers | Direct Dial Code |
CENTERLINE® Motor Control Centers Sales Support | 900 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Hardware Post-Sales Technical Support | 901 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers Configuration Software (CIRCE™ , CenterOne® or PowerControl Builder™) | 902 |
CENTERLINE Motor Control Centers DeviceNet, EtherNet or IntelliCENTER Software Support | 903 |
Controllers | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix®, GuardLogix, FlexLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 100 |
CompactLogix™, CompactGuardLogix hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated RSNetWorx™ | 101 |
PLC-5®, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 102 |
SLC™ 500, MicroLogix™ hardware, communications, associated I/O, instruction set, and associated networks | 103 |
SoftLogix™ 5 and 5000, programming software, I/O and instruction set | 105 |
PowerMonitor™ 500, 1000, 5000, 1411 Current transformers | 107 |
Micro800® Hardware | 110 |
Installation and software generated error support: Studio 5000 Logix Designer, RSLogix 5000®, 500 & 5, RSLinx Classic and RSNetWorx | 111 |
Connected Components Workbench™ | 112 |
Data Management Software | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, RSMACC™ | 600 |
RSBizWare™ (Historian™ Classic, PlantMetrics™, Scheduler™) | 601 |
FactoryTalk Historian SE | 602 |
FactoryTalk Transaction Manager, RSSql™ | 603 |
FactoryTalk Batch, RSBatch™, eProcedure®, MaterialTrack™ | 604 |
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) & FactoryTalk Analytics | 605 |
PMX - MES, CTM | 606 |
FactoryTalk VantagePoint® | 607 |
ScanESC | 813 |
RASWin (Risk Assessment Software for Windows) | 814 |
Drives and Medium Voltage Products | Direct Dial Code |
Current Architecture Products - 7 series drives such as PowerFlex® 70/700, PowerFlex 753/755, PowerFlex 755T and PowerFlex 700S, drive communications, DriveExecutive™, DriveExplorer™, MegaDySC® 1608M , MiniDySC® 1608N, and ProDySC® 1608P | 500 |
Current Compact Products - 4 series drives such as PowerFlex 4, PowerFlex 40, PowerFlex 40P, PowerFlex 400, and 5-series drives such as PowerFlex 523 and PowerFlex 525, ArmorStart® Controllers (280-284) and ArmorConnect® Media (290-294) | 501 |
AC Legacy drives - PowerFlex 700H, 160, 1305, 1336 (Classic), 1336E (IM/PACT®), 1336F (Plus II), 1336R (Regen), 1336S (Plus), 1336T (FORCE™ Technology), 1336Z | 504 |
DC Legacy drives - 1395, 1397 | 510 |
PowerFlex DC drives | 511 |
Reliance Electric™ - LiquiFlo and Standard Drives | 512 |
Medium Voltage - PowerFlex 7000, PowerFlex 6000 and 1557™ Drives, 1500 Contactors and Soft Starters, 857 and 865 Feeder/Motor Protection Relay, OneGear™ Controllers, 1591 Load Break Switches, PowerBrick™ Technology | 513 |
Integrated Condition Monitoring (Entek®) | Direct Dial Code |
XM®, Enpac®, Datapac®, Enwatch®, Emonitor®, Enshare®, RSMACC Enterprise Online, Vibration Sensors, Dynamix™ Data Collectors, Accelerometers, Eddy Current Probes | 700 |
Low Voltage Industrial Control Components | Direct Dial Code |
Contactors and Starters, Pushbuttons, Terminal Blocks, 700 Relays and Timers, Circuit Breakers, Disconnect Switches, 1497 Transformers, 4983 Surge Protection | 800 |
Condition Sensing Switches (836-840 Mechanical Pressure, Temperature and Float, 808 Speed, 803 Rotating Cam Switches) | 801 |
Signaling Alarms, Beacons, Horns and Lights (854, 855) | 802 |
150-154 SMC™ Smart Motor Controllers and 156 Solid-State Contactors | 804 |
Electronic Motor Protection (E1 and E3 Plus, E300, 825 Overload Relays, 193-DNENCAT, 2100-ENET EtherNet Comm Modules, 1608 Voltage Sag Monitor | 805 |
1606 and 1607 Power Supplies, 1609 Uninterruptible Power Supply, 1492 Printer/Plotter and IFM Modules | 806 |
900TC Temperature Controllers, 931 Conditioners, 937 Intrinsic Safety Modules | 807 |
Motor Protection Relays (809-819, 1409) and Motor Winding Heaters (1410) | 808 |
Limit, Photoelectric and Proximity Switches, Connection Systems, and Media | 809 |
Safety Mats (440, 442), Relays and Switches, Laser Scanners, Encoders (842-847) | 810 |
Advanced Sensing (54RF, 55RF, 56RF RFID Tags, MultiSight™ Sensors) | 811 |
Hazardous Location Applications | 812 |
Motion | Direct Dial Code |
ControlLogix Motion, Interface Cards and Associated Software | 400 |
Kinetix® Servo Drives and Motors and Associated Software (includes Ultra 3000) | 401 |
1394, S-Class, GML™ Commander | 404 |
CNC™ Motion 8500, 8520, 9230, 9240, 9260, 9290 , 9440, 9 Series | 405 |
IMC Motion (121, 123, 110, ODS Software), HSRV, HSTP | 407 |
Allen-Bradley Legacy Servo Drives (1326, 1387, 1388, 1391, 1392, 1398), 8720 | 408 |
iTrak, MagneMotion, MagneMover Lite, and Quickstick Support | 410 |
NetLinx | Direct Dial Code |
RSLinx® Classic, RSLinx Enterprise and FactoryTalk Linx | 301 |
1784 Communications Cards, Remote Access Dial in Modems, 9300-USBS | 302 |
Stratix® Network Switches, 9300-ENA | 303 |
Packaged Solutions | Direct Dial Code |
RAPID Line Integration™ | 007 |
Process Safety | Direct Dial Code |
AADvance® Control System, Trusted® Control System, OptiSIS® Solution | 750 |
PlantPAx / RapidLaunch | Direct Dial Code |
PlantPAx®, RapidLaunch | 008 |
Visualization | Direct Dial Code |
FactoryTalk® View SE, RSView SE, RSView®32 | 200 |
ThinManager® ** | 201 |
FactoryTalk® View ME, RSView® ME, PanelView™ Plus Graphic Terminals, Studio 5000 View Designer and PanelView 5500 | 202 |
PanelView Classic, Standard, Enhanced Terminals and PanelBuilder™ Software | 203 |
PanelView Component and PanelView 800 | 204 |
Message Displays | 205 |
Industrial Computers and Monitors | 206 |
Albania Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0)1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +39 0230249577
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Belgium Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- Dutch: +32 (0) 2716 8494
- French: +32 (0) 2716 8479
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +32 27168499
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Bulgaria Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 485599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +420 284 015 901
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Czech Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +420 284 015 901
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +420 284 015 911
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Croatia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +420 284 015 901
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Cyprus Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +39 0230248577
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Denmark Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +45 43466006
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +45 43466050
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Germany Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +49 (0)211 41553 630
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +49 21141553620
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Estonia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +46 46199478
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Spain Phone Support
For Remote Support or Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +34 932 959 000
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Finland Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +46 46199396
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +46 46199478
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
France Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +33 (0) 1 61087980
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +33 (0) 1 61087980
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Greece Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +39 0230249577
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Ireland Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +40 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Italy Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +39 0230249535
- +199 132 132
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +39 0230249577
- +39 0230249578
- 199 11 99 00
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Latvia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +46 46199478
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Lithuania Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +46 46199478
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +31 10 266 5 80
- +32 27168499
- +33 (0) 1 61087980
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Hungary Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +36 23 884 310
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Malta Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +39 0230249577
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Montserrat Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Netherlands Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +31 10 266 55 32
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +31 10 266 55 80
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Norway Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +45 43466072
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Austria Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +43 (0)732 38909 99
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +43 (0) 732 38909
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Poland Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +48 32 720 80 60
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +48 32 778 1000
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Portugal Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +351 (21) 415 4488
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +351 (21) 422 5500
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Romania Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +40 316 312 830
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +420 284 015 901
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Russia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +48 32 720 8068
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +48 32 778 1000
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Switzerland Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- German: +41 844 8484 15
- Italian: +41 844 8484 19
- French: +41 844 8484 17
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- German: +41 848 000 277
- French: +41 848 000 278
- Italian: +41 848 000 279
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Serbia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +420 284 015 901
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Slovakia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +421 2 5020 6599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +420 284 015 901
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Slovenia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +353 21 4855599
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +420 284 015 901
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Sweden Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +46 (0) 46199390
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +46 46199478
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Turkey Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +90 2165788467
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +90 4444940
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Ukraine Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +48 32 720 8068
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +48 32 778 1000
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
United Kingdom Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
U.S. Virgin Islands
For Remote Support, please call:
- +1 440 646 3434
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Algeria Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Bahrain Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Botswana Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Egypt Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Israel Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +97 297945562
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +97 297945561
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Jordan Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Kuwait Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Lebanon Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Oman Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Pakistan Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Qatar Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +65 65106772 or toll free 0080011065 (option #2)
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Saudi Arabia
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
United Arab Emirates Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Yemen Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Angola Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Kenya Support Center
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Libya Support Center
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Mauritius Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Morocco Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Mozambique Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Namibia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Nigeria Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
South Africa Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +27 860762522
- +971 2 694 8106
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Tanzania Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Tunisia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 1908 635 211
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Zambia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Zimbabwe Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +44 (0) 1908 635202
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +44 (0) 870 2411803
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Australia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- 1-800-762-593
Support Timings: 7:30am to 5:30pm
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +61 3 9757 1588
- Toll Free 1800 762 593
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
- 400 6206620
支持时间:上午9:00 至 下午6:00
- +86 21 61288288
- 免费电话: 400 620 6620
罗克韦尔自动化产品须遵守世界各地的各种认证和注册要求,并非所有产品都可以在您的特定地区销售或使用。 请联系您当地的罗克韦尔自动化销售办事处或授权的 Allen-Bradley 经销商,了解有关当地产品供应情况的更多信息。
Fiji Phone Support
Fiji: +61 3 9757 1111
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
- 852 2887 4666
支持時間:上午8:30 至 下午6:00
- 852 2887 4666
羅克韋爾自動化產品須遵守世界各地的各種認證和註冊要求,並非所有產品都可以在您的特定地區銷售或使用。 請聯絡您當地的羅克韋爾自動化銷售辦事處或授權的 Allen-Bradley 經銷商,以了解更多有關當地產品供應的資訊。
India Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- Toll Free Number: 0008000504090
- DID- +911204671590
Support Timings: 9:00am to 6:00pm
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- Toll Free Number: 0008000504090
- DID- +911204671590
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Indonesia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- 00180 365 7075
Support Timings: 9:00am to 5:30pm
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- 00180 365 7075
- +62 21 25545255
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Japan Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- 81 3 3206 2784
- 800 7227 3825 (within Japan only)
Support Timings: 9:00am to 5:30pm
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- 81 3 3206 2784
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Korea Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- +82 2 2188 4488
Support Timings: 9:00am to 6:00pm
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- +82 2 2188 4488
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Malaysia Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- 1800 806 577
- +603 8603 3298
Support Timings: 9:00am to 6:00pm
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- 1800 806 577
- +603 8603 3298
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
New Zealand Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- 0800 762 593
Support Timings: 7:30am to 5:30pm
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- 0800 762 593
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Phillippines Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- 0800 762 593
- +63 2 8705 6488
Support Timings: 7:30am to 5:30pm
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- 1800 1651 0732
- +63 2 8705 6488
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Singapore Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- 1800 510 6774
- +65 6510 6774
Support Timings: 9:00am to 5:40pm
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- 1800 510 6774
- +65 6510 6774
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
- 080 902 0908
支持時間:上午8:30 至 下午6:00
- 080 902 0908
羅克韋爾自動化產品須遵守世界各地的各種認證和註冊要求,並非所有產品都可以在您的特定地區銷售或使用。 請聯絡您當地的羅克韋爾自動化銷售辦事處或授權的 Allen-Bradley 經銷商,以了解更多有關當地產品供應的資訊。
Thailand Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- 001800 658 170
- +66 2 092 1500
Support Timings: 8:30am to 6:00pm
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- 001800 658 170
- +66 2 092 1500
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.
Vietnam Phone Support
For Remote Support, please call:
- 120 651 77
- +84 28 6255 6433
Support Timings: 9:00am to 5:30pm
For Customer Care assistance, please call:
- 120 651 77
- +84 28 6255 6433
TechConnect Support may be required to use some online features and/or obtain phone support.
Rockwell Automation products are subject to a variety of certification and registration requirements throughout the world, and not all products may be available for sale or use in your particular region. Please contact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or authorized Allen-Bradley distributor for further information on local product availability.
Alternatively, use our Worldwide Locator for local contact information.