Better Insights to Optimize Maintenance
AC drives with advanced predictive maintenance can help you make smarter, more precise maintenance decisions.
Operators and technicians can track end-of-life data down to the hour for each critical component to better plan maintenance activities. And they can be notified by an alarm when critical components reach a certain percentage of their predicted remaining operating life. Then, they can create a maintenance plan for the exact day or shift when they will replace the component.
The drives can also help you learn from and optimize their performance across your operations.
For example, you may notice that AC drives running in an air-conditioned facility have a longer rate of life than those in an uncooled facility. Specifically, the bearings in the drive’s heat-sink fan may be wearing out faster in the hotter facility. You may then determine that extending the life of the drive and reducing your maintenance makes enough financial and operational sense to add air conditioning in facilities that lack it.
Built-in Predictive Maintenance
One of the most appealing aspects of AC drives with predictive maintenance is they offer the capability as an inherent product feature. They require no add-on or extra charge to access the predictive insights.
Remaining life component data can be read directly on the drive. You do have the option, however, of scaling up the data into your plantwide visualization software or to the cloud. This allows you to build a predictive-maintenance strategy that corresponds with the size and needs of your operations.
To learn more about AC drives with predictive maintenance, check out the new Allen‑Bradley PowerFlex® 755T drives. The drives use our patented TotalFORCE technology to provide leading-edge predictive maintenance and are designed for applications from 10 to 6,000 horsepower.