Measure and Record Values

Measure the low reference signals being produced by the device for the selected channels. The parameters in this window vary based on the type of channel (voltage or current). These parameters are available in this window.
Shows the channels available to calibrate.
Identifies the channels selected in the previous window.
Calibration Range
Shows the low reference signal value that the device produces based on channel configuration.
  • For voltage channels, the calibration range shows -10 to 10 V.
  • For current channels, the calibration range shows 0 to 20 mA.
Low Reference
Shows the low reference signal value that the device is producing.
  • For voltage channels, the value is 0 V.
  • For current channels, the value is 4 mA.
Recorded Reference
Measure the actual value being produced by the device and enter the value in:
  • Volts in the
    Recorded Reference
    column for each selected voltage channel.
  • Milliamps in the
    Recorded Reference
    column for each selected current channel.
For the multimeter accuracy, see the User Manual.
Continues the process
Stops the calibration process.
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