Channels view parameters (1756-IF8I, 1756-IRT8I)

view includes these parameters:
The parameters cannot be edited when there is a transition to Run mode.
1756-IF8I Description
1756-IRT8I Description
Displays the channel number to which this configuration applies.
Determines whether the channel is enabled or disabled. Select the checkbox when the channel is not used. Disabling the channel prevents erroneous fault reporting (for example, underrange) and also prevents the FLT LED from illuminating.
: Parameters are unavailable when the channel is disabled.
Input Type
Select as either
Select the type of input signal for the 1756-IRT8I channel as either:
  • RTD (Ohms) - 3 wire
  • RTD (Ohms) - 4 wire
  • Thermocouple (mV)
Input Range
Specifies the input range when
is selected as the
Input Type
Available choices:
  • -10V to 10V
    (default value)
  • 0V to 5V
  • 0V to 10V
is the selected
Input Type
, the only available input range is
0mA to 20mA
Specifies the input range for the input type.
When the
Input Type
is set to
Thermocouple (mV)
, the input range is
-100 mV to 100 mV
When the
Input Type
is set to
RTD (Ohms)
, choose the range that most closely accommodates the anticipated maximum resistance value. Available choices depend on the
Sensor Type
in the
High Signal
Defines the maximum signal produced by the channel.
This value must be greater than the
Low Signal
Low Signal
Defines the lowest signal produced by the channel.
This value must be less than the
High Signal
Units (Signal)
Shows the temperature units for the 1756-IRT8I channel or the signal units for the 1756-IF8I channel.
High Engineering
Indicates the engineering units that corresponds with a signal value equal to
High Signal
. For example, a temperature transmitter that produces 20 mA current at 750 °C has a
High Engineering
value of 750.
This value cannot be equal to the
Low Engineering
Valid values are in the range of -9999999 to 99999999 (float).
Low Engineering
Indicates the engineering units that corresponds with the signal value equal to
Low Signal
. For example, a temperature transmitter that produces 4 mA current at -180 °C has a
Low Engineering
value of -180.
This value cannot be equal to the
High Engineering
Valid values are in the range of -9999999 to 99999999 (float).
Units (Engineering)
Shows the engineering units.
Digital Filter
Sets the time constant for a first order lag filter used to smooth noise transients on the input with a range from 0 through 32767. When set to 0, no filtering takes place.
Disable Alarms
Determines whether the channel alarms are disabled or enabled. Select the checkbox to disable the alarms.
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