ChX view parameters (1756-IRT8I)

view includes these parameters:
The parameters cannot be edited when there is a transition to Run mode.
RTD Ohms
Disable Channel
Determines whether the channel is enabled or disabled. Select the checkbox when the channel is not used. Disabling the channel prevents erroneous fault reporting (for example, underrange) and also prevents the FLT LED from illuminating.
Parameters are unavailable when the channel is disabled.
Input Type
Specifies the type of input signal for the channel as either:
  • RTD (Ohms) - 3 wire
  • RTD (Ohms) - 4 wire
  • Thermocouple (mV)
Sensor Type
Specifies the sensor type for the channel. Available options for RTD (Ohms):
  • Ohms
  • 100 Ohm
    PT 385
    (default value)
  • 200 Ohm PT 385
  • 500 Ohm PT 385
  • 1000 Ohm PT 385
  • 100 Ohm PT 3916
  • 200 Ohm PT 3916
  • 500 Ohm PT 3916
  • 1000 Ohm PT 3916
  • 10 Ohm CU 427
  • 120 Ohm NI 672
  • 100 Ohm NI 618
  • 120 Ohm NI 618
  • 200 Ohm NI 618
  • 500 Ohm NI 618
Specifies the sensor type for the channel. Available options for Thermocouple (mV):
  • mV
  • TC Type B
  • TC Type C
  • TC Type E
  • TC Type J
  • TC Type K
    (default value)
  • TC Type N
  • TC Type R
  • TC Type S
  • TC Type T
  • TC Type TXK/XK (L)
  • TC Type D
Input Range
Specifies the input range for the RTD input type.
Sensor Type
, choose the range that most closely accommodates the anticipated maximum resistance value.
  • 1 Ohm to 500 Ohms
    (default value)
  • 2 Ohms to 1000 Ohms
  • 4 Ohms to 2000 Ohms
  • 8 Ohms to 4000 Ohms
Sensor Type
, the
Input Range
shows the resistance range used by the device for optimal performance based on the selected RTD type. These ranges are read-only and cannot be changed.
Shows the input range for Thermocouple input type as
100 mV to 100 mV.
This is read-only and cannot be changed.
10 Ohm Copper Offset
Specifies the offset value for an RTD input type with the
Sensor Type
set to
10 Ohm CU 427
Enter a value within the range from -1.00 through 1.00 Ohms. The default value is 0.00 Ohms.
This value can compensate for any Copper RTD errors and is added to the input reading before linearization.
Temperature Units
Specifies the temperature units for the channel. Valid options are:
  • Celsius
  • Kelvin
  • Fahrenheit
  • Rankine
When either RTD or Thermocouple is chosen as a sensor type, the device automatically reports channel data as a temperature in the units selected in
Temperature Units
. Scaling to units other than the actual temperature is not permitted.
values show the high and low operating limits based on the sensor type selected.
When the sensor type is set to either mV or Ohm, the device can translate these electrical signals to engineering units. The device returns the
High Engineering
value when the
High Signal
value is present at the input. The device returns the
Low Engineering
value when the
Low Signal
is present. The device returns all other values in a linear fashion, depending on the signal present at the input.
For mV and Ohms sensor types, scaling is defaulted to a 1:1 relationship between the signal values and the engineering units, allowing the device to return the actual value of the signal present on the input.
High Signal
must be greater than
Low Signal
Notch Filter
Specifies a frequency for the first notch of the filter for all of the channels. Selection of the filter influences the analog to digital output data rate and changes the device throughput. Device throughput is a function of the number of inputs used and the first notch filter.
Digital Filter
Sets the time constant for a first order lag filter used to smooth noise transients on the input with a range from 0 through 32767. When set to 0, no filtering takes place.
Synchronize Sampling with Other Synchronized Modules
Enables synchronized channel scans with other devices in the system that have this feature enabled.
When the checkbox is selected, the channel scans all devices in the system and synchronizes within plus or minus 20 µS of each other, assuming they all have the same RPI value or the RPI values are multiples of each other.
The system must have CIP Sync enabled for this function to work.
Copy Channel Configuration
Select a channel to copy the properties to another channel.
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