ChX view parameters (1756-OF8I)

view includes these parameters:
The parameters cannot be edited when there is a transition to Run mode.
Disable Channel
Determines whether the channel is enabled or disabled. Select the checkbox when the channel is not used. Disabling the channel prevents erroneous fault reporting (for example, underrange) and also prevents the FLT LED from illuminating.
: Parameters are unavailable when the channel is disabled.
Output Type
Specifies the output type as either
Current is selected by default.
Output Range
Specifies the operating range for the channel.
is the selected
Output Type
, the only available output range is 0mA to 20mA.
is the selected
Output Type
, select one of these output ranges:
  • -10V to 10V (default value)
  • 0V to 5V
  • 0V to 10V
Channel Offset
Specifies an offset value in engineering units.
The value is added to the output channel value to compensate for any error in actuator operation.
The default value for the channel offset is 0.0.
Hold for Initialization
Select the checkbox to cause the physical output to hold its present state until the value commanded by the controller matches the value at the output screw terminal within 0.1% of full scale.
This parameter prevents spiking of the output when transitioning into Run mode from Program mode or from a fault state or at power up.
Output Scaling allows translation of engineering unit values used in the control program into electrical signals on the output channel screws.
The device output generates the
High Signal
value when the
High Engineering
value is received from the controller. The device output generates the
Low Signal
value when the
Low Engineering
value is received. The device output generates all other signal values in a linear fashion, depending on the engineering value sent from the controller.
For voltage output types, scaling is defaulted to a 1:1 relationship between the signal values and the engineering units, allowing the device to produce the actual value of the engineering unit sent from the controller.
For current input types, scaling is defaulted to produce a 4 mA to 20 mA output signal for a corresponding 0 to 100% engineering unit value sent from the controller.
Engineering Units
Specifies the engineering units.
Output State in Program Mode
Specifies the channel output state behavior when the controller is placed in Program Mode.
  • Hold Last State
    - Output remains at the last value sent from the controller prior to being placed in Program Mode.
  • User Defined Value
    - Forces the output to the user-defined value when controller is placed in Program Mode. Enter the value in the engineering units defined by the scaling parameters for the channel.
When Communications Fail in Program Mode
Specifies the channel output state behavior when the controller is in Program mode and the connection to the device is lost.
  • Leave outputs in Program Mode
    state -
    Output behaves as defined by the
    Output State in Program Mode
  • Change outputs to Fault Mode state -
    Output behaves as defined by the
    Output State in Fault Mode
Output State in Fault Mode
Specifies the channel output state behavior when the controller is faulted and is no longer communicating to the device.
  • Hold Last State
    - Output remains at the last value sent from the controller prior to loss of communication.
  • User Defined Value
    - Output to whatever value is entered in the field. Enter the value in the engineering units defined by the scaling parameters for the channel.
Fault State Duration
Specifies the length of time the output remains in Fault mode before transitioning to the final state.
  • Forever
  • 1, 2, 5, or 10 seconds
Final Fault State Value
After the defined fault state duration elapses, the output goes to this
value, entered in engineering units.
This parameter is not available when
Fault State Duration
Copy Channel Configuration
Select a channel to copy the properties to another channel.
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