CJ Channel view parameters

Use the
CJ Channel
view to configure the Cold Junction (CJ) parameters when a channel is configured for Thermocouple operation. The
CJ Channel
view includes these parameters:
The parameters cannot be edited when there is a transition to Run mode.
Cold Junction Channel
Indicates the CJ Channel to which this configuration applies.
Disable Compensation
Select the checkbox to prevent the cold junction compensation calculation and to prevent the cold junction temperatures from being returned to the controller.
For the majority of application scenarios, this checkbox is not selected.
Sensor Offset
Additional control over cold junction behavior is obtained by setting a bias value (-10.0 through +10.0 in degrees C). This temperature value is added equally to both cold junction temperatures. The default value is 0.0.
Remote Termination
Determines the type of cold junction compensation the device uses and is governed by where the thermocouples are connected.
Do not select this checkbox when wiring Thermocouples and Cold Junction thermistors directly to the device’s RTB. In this case, the device uses both Cold Junction circuits at the top and bottom of the RTB to determine the temperature gradient at the termination points and compensate appropriately.
Select the checkbox when Thermocouples are remotely connected and the Cold Junction thermistor is not mounted directly on the RTB, for example when using a 1492-IFM Wiring Block. In this case, the thermistor (located on the 1492-IFM) is wired to the top Cold Junction circuit on the device and only that circuit is used for compensation.
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