Ring X - DHCP view parameters

Ring X - DHCP
view includes these parameters:
Obtain IP settings automatically for DLR devices using DHCP
Indicates whether the switch automatically obtains an IP address and subnet mask from the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. As long as the switch is not restarted, the switch continues to use the assigned IP information.
Intended Role of DLR DHCP Server
Obtain IP settings automatically for DLR devices using DHCP
is selected, specifies the role of the Device Level Ring (DLR) DHCP server. Available values:
  • Primary
    - When selected, ring members can be added and edited.
  • Backup
    - When selected, the grid is hidden and ring members cannot be added or edited.
Number of Ring Members
Intended Role of DLR DHCP Server
is set to
, specifies the number of members in the ring.
Available values are 1 through 255.
Indicates whether to enable DLR DHCP Snooping.
Configured IP Addresses - Ring Member
Displays the order of devices in the ring when the switch is the ring supervisor. The switch is always ring member 1.
For multiple ring members, there is a range.
Available values are 2 to the number of ring members greater than or equal to 2.
Configured IP Addresses - IP Address
Displays the IP address assigned to the switch port. The IP address is reserved for the selected port and is not available for normal DHCP dynamic assignment. The IP address must be an address from the pool specified in
Available values are 0 through 255. The first octet should not be 127 and should be less than 224.
Configured IP Addresses - Host Name
For single ring members, displays a descriptive name for the host associated with the ring.
Available values are ASCII characters with a maximum length 64.
Configured IP Addresses - DHCP Pool
Displays the name of the DHCP IP address pool configured on the switch. A DHCP IP address pool is a range (or pool) of available IP addresses that the switch can assign to connected devices.
Adds a ring member.
Edits the existing ring member.
Deletes the ring members with the checkbox selected.
Retrieves and displays the latest values from the device.
Sends the settings to the switch. The
Enter password
dialog box may appear.
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