Express Setup dialog box parameters

Express Setup dialog box parameters

Express Setup
dialog box includes these parameters:
Internet Protocol (IP) Settings
Manually configure IP settings
The IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, IP address of the network time protocol (NTP) server are manually entered for the switch. When applicable, the primary DNS server address and secondary DNS server address are also manually entered. This is the default setting.
Obtain IP settings automatically using DHCP
The switch automatically obtains an IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, and IP address of the network time protocol (NTP) server from the DHCP server. When applicable, the switch automatically obtains the primary DNS server address and secondary DNS server address from the DHCP server. As long as the switch is not restarted, it continues to use the assigned IP information.
IP Settings Configuration
Physical Device IP Address
The IP address for the switch. Each node on a network must have a unique IP address. The IP address should not be lower than or between through
This value configures the IP address of the switch, similar to the Device Manager Web interface.
When the switch is reconfigured with a different IP address, communication may be lost when changes are saved. To correct this problem, set the new IP address and download it to the controller.
Host Name
A name that identifies the switch when monitoring or troubleshooting a problem. This feature is optional. The name can include alphanumeric characters, periods, and hyphens.
Subnet Mask
The appropriate subnet mask for the switch. The subnet mask is a 32-bit number. Set each octet.
The default is
This value is used to configure the subnet mask, similar to the Device Manager Web interface.
Gateway Address
The IP address of the gateway. The gateway IP address should be part of the same subnet as the switch IP address. The switch IP address and the default gateway IP address cannot be the same.
The gateway IP address is sent to the switch when selecting
, but is only applied the next time the switch boots.
Network Time Protocol Server
The IP address of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server. NTP is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks.
Create Password
The username associated with the password. The default is
The password for the switch, can start with a number, is case-sensitive, and can have embedded spaces. The password cannot be one digit, it cannot contain a ? or a tab, and it does not allow spaces at the beginning or the end. The default is
To complete initial setup, change the password from the default password.
This password is also used as the Control Industrial Protocol (CIP) security password. Provide a password in order to secure access to the switch.
Switch Management
Management Interface VLAN
The name and ID of the management VLAN through which the switch is managed. Choose an existing VLAN as the management VLAN.
The default name for the management VLAN is
and the default ID is
. The number for the default ID can be from 1 through 1001. Make sure that the switch and your network management station are in the same VLAN. If they are not in the same VLAN, you will lose management connectivity to the switch.
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