SD Flash Sync view parameters

SD Flash Sync
view includes these parameters:
SD Flash Status
SD Flash Present
to indicate whether an SD card is present. If a card is not present, the rest of the options on the page are blank or grayed out.
SD Flash Status
Displays the status of the SD card. The available values are:
  • Good
  • Unauthorized
  • Card Corrupt
  • Card Files Corrupt
Synchronization Status
Configuration Files
Displays the current synchronization status of the config.text and vlan.dat files on the SD card and the switch's onboard flash memory. The available values are:
  • Synchronized
  • Unsynchronized
  • Synchronizing to SD
  • Copying to Flash
  • Synchronize Failed
IOS Image
Displays the current synchronization status of the IOS image on the SD card and switch's onboard flash memory. The available values are:
  • Synchronized
  • Unsynchronized
  • Synchronizing to SD
  • Copying to Flash
  • Synchronize Failed
Copy from SD Flash to Switch
Copies the configuration files or the IOS image from the SD card to the switch's onboard flash memory.
  • Copy Configuration
    - Copies configuration files from the SD card to the switch's onboard flash memory. This includes config.text and vlan.dat files.
  • Copy IOS Image
    - Copies the IOS image from the SD card to the switch's onboard flash memory.
Copy from Switch to SD Flash
Copies the configuration files or IOS Image from the switch's onboard flash memory to the SD card.
  • Copy Configuration
    - Copies configuration files from the switch's onboard flash memory to the SD card. This includes config.text and vlan.dat files.
  • Copy IOS Image
    - Copies the IOS image from the switch's onboard flash memory to the SD card.
Retrieves and displays the latest values from the device.
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