Smartports and VLANs view parameters

Smartports and VLANs view parameters

Smartports and VLANs
view includes these parameters:
To avoid Smartport mismatches, verify which Smartport role is applied to a port before attaching a device to the port or reconnecting devices that have been moved. Mismatches can have adverse effects on devices and your network, such as:
  • Affecting the behavior of the attached device.
  • Reducing the level of QoS on voice, wireless, switch, and router traffic.
  • Reducing restrictions on guest access to the network.
  • Reducing protection from denial of service (DoS) attacks on the network.
  • Disabling or shutting down the port.
Smartport and VLAN Assignment
Displays the port to which this configuration applies. The port number includes the port type (Fa for Fast Ethernet and Gi for Gigabit Ethernet) and the specific port number. For example:
  • Gi1/1 is Gigabit Ethernet port 1.
  • Gi1/2 is Gigabit Ethernet port 2.
  • Fa1/1 is Fast Ethernet port 1.
Smartport Role
Applies the Smartport role to the connected port. The available values for each port are:
  • Automation Device
    - Apply this role to ports connected to a single EtherNet/IP (Ethernet Industrial Protocol) device. This role can be used to manage industrial automation devices, such as logic controllers and I/O.
  • Desktop for Automation
    - Apply this role to ports connected to desktop devices, such as desktop PCs, workstations, notebook PCs, and other client-based hosts.
    • Do not apply the Desktop role to ports connected to switches, routers, or access points.
    • Do not apply the Desktop role to ports connected to non-desktop devices. This disables the ports.
  • Switch for Automation
    - Apply this role to ports connected to other switches that support Spanning Tree, such as, Stratix 8000, Stratix 6000 release 3, or Cisco switches.
  • Router for Automation
    - Apply this role to ports connected to Cisco routers or Layer 3 switches with routing service capabilities. Use this role if the port will connect to devices that connect to the WAN or the Internet.
  • Phone for Automation
    - Apply this role to ports connected to Cisco IP phones. A desktop device, such as a PC, can be connected to the IP phone. Both the IP phone and the connected PC would have access to the network and the Internet through the switch port.
    This role prioritizes voice traffic over data traffic to get better clear voice reception on the IP phones.
  • Wireless for Automation
    - Apply this role to ports connected to Cisco Wireless Access Point.
  • Multiport Automation Device
    - Apply this role to ports connected to multiport EtherNet/IP (Ethernet Industrial Protocol) devices such as:
    • Multiport EtherNet/IP devices arranged in a linear (or daisy-chain) topology
    • 1783-ETAP (for connection to the device port only)
    • Unmanaged switches (such as the Stratix 2000) and managed switches with Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) disabled
  • Virtual Desktop for Automation
    - Apply this role to ports connected to PCs running virtualization software. This can be used with devices running up to two MAC addresses.
    Do not apply the Virtual Desktop for Automation role to ports connected to switches, routers, or access points.
  • None
    - Apply this role to ports if you do not want a specialized Smartport role on the port.
VLAN Type and ID – Native
Specifies a native VLAN for ports that can belong to a VLAN trunk (a port belonging to more than one VLAN).
This is available for ports set to
Switch for Automation
Router for Automation
, or
Wireless for Automation
VLAN Type and ID – Access
Specifies an access VLAN for ports that can only belong to one VLAN.
This is available for ports set to
Automation Device, Desktop for Automation
Phone for Automation
Multiport Automation Device
, or
Virtual Desktop for Automation
VLAN Type and ID – Voice
Specifies a voice VLAN for ports set to
Phone for Automation
. Voice VLAN ensures that all voice traffic has better quality of service and is not mixed with data traffic.
VLAN Configuration
Add New VLAN
to create a new VLAN.
to edit the VLAN Name for existing VLANs.
Deletes the VLAN.
When sending settings to the switch, the confirmation dialog box opens to confirm this deletion.
Displays the VLAN ID for configured VLANs. The default VLAN ID, 1, cannot be edited or deleted.
Displays the name given to each configured VLAN.
Retrieves and displays the latest values from the device.
Sends the settings to the switch. The
Enter password
dialog box may appear.
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