Fatal error encountered
1783 Stratix Switch
Stratix device properties
Overview view
Overview view parameters
Device definition dialog box
Device definition dialog box parameters
Password confirmation dialog box
Password confirmation dialog box parameters
Device Information
Device Information view
Device Information view parameters
Fault/Program Action
Fault/Program Action view
Fault/Program Action view parameters
Switch Configuration
Switch Configuration view
Switch Configuration view parameters
Switch Status
Switch Status view
Switch Status view parameters
Port Configuration
Port Configuration view
Port Configuration view parameters
Power over Ethernet
PoE view
PoE view parameters
Smartports and VLANs
Smartports and VLANs view
Smartports and VLANs view parameters
Add/Edit VLAN dialog box
Add/Edit VLAN dialog box parameters
VLAN delete confirmation dialog box
Port Thresholds
Port Thresholds view
Port Thresholds view parameters
Port Security
Port Security view
Port Security view parameters
Port Status
Port Status view
Port Status view parameters
Port Diagnostics dialog box
Port Diagnostics dialog box parameters
Cable Diagnostics dialog box
Cable Diagnostic dialog box parameters
Device Level Ring
DLR ports
Device Level Ring view
Device Level Ring view parameters
Ring X view
Ring X view parameters
Advanced Network Configuration dialog box
Advanced Network Configuration dialog box parameters
Ring X - Redundant Gateway view
Ring X - Redundant Gateway view parameters
Ring X - Statistics view
Ring X - Statistics view parameters
Ring X - DHCP view
Ring X - DHCP view parameters
Advanced dialog box for the DHCP view
Advanced dialog box parameters for the DHCP view
Add/Edit Ring Member dialog box
Add/Edit Ring Member dialog box parameters
Ring X - Members view
Ring X - Members view parameters
DHCP Pools
DHCP Pools view
DHCP Pools view parameters
Add/Edit DHCP Pool dialog box
Add/Edit DHCP Pool dialog box parameters
Delete Pool dialog box
DHCP Address Assignment
DHCP Address Assignment view
DHCP Address Assignment view parameters
Time Sync Configuration
Time Sync Configuration view
Time Sync Configuration view parameters
Time Sync Status
Time Sync Status view
Time Sync Status view parameters
Grandmaster Clock Description dialog box
Network Time Protocol Client
NTP Client view
NTP Client view parameters
Add NTP Server dialog box
Add NTP Server dialog box parameters
Network Address Translation
NAT view
NAT view parameters
Add/Edit NAT Instance - Overview view
Add/Edit NAT Instance - Overview view parameters
Add/Edit NAT Instance - Public to Private view
Add/Edit NAT Instance - Public to Private view parameters
Add/Edit NAT Instance - Advanced view
Add/Edit NAT Instance - Advanced view parameters
New Entry dialog box
New Entry dialog box parameters
NAT Diagnostics - InstanceX dialog box
NAT Diagnostics - InstanceX dialog box parameters
Delete NAT Instance confirmation dialog box
Private to Public Translations - InstanceX dialog box
Private to Public Translations - InstanceX dialog box parameters
Public to Private Translations - InstanceX dialog box
Public to Private Translations - InstanceX dialog box parameters
Stratix 5410
NAT view
NAT view parameters
Add/Edit NAT Instance Wizard
Instance Name and Ports view
Instance Name and Ports view parameters
Associate VLANs view
Associate VLANs view parameters
Gateway Address view
Gateway Address view parameters
Translations view
Translations view parameters
Advanced dialog box
Advanced dialog box parameters
Network view
Network view parameters
EtherChannels view
EtherChannels view parameters
Add/Edit EtherChannel dialog box
Add/Edit EtherChannel dialog box parameters
Parallel Redundancy Protocol
Parallel Redundancy Protocol view
Parallel Redundancy Protocol view parameters
Channel Group 1 view
Channel Group 2 view
SD Flash Sync
SD Flash Sync view
SD Flash Sync view parameters
Save/Restore view
Save/Restore view parameters
Import dialog box
Export dialog box
Export dialog box parameters
Express Setup
Express Setup dialog box
Express Setup dialog box parameters
Manage the switch
Add or edit an NAT instance
Add an NTP server address
Assign a precedence value to the ring supervisor
Assign an IP address to a DHCP port
Clear a fault on a ring
Configure a switch using express setup
Configure the DLR network
Configure ports for changes at controller
Configure the DHCP
Configure the NTP client
Configure the Power over Ethernet ports
Configure the redundant gateway
Copy configuration files or IOS image
Create a new DHCP pool
Create or edit a VLAN
Create or edit an EtherChannel group
Delete a DHCP pool
Delete a VLAN
Delete an NAT instance
Delete an NTP server address
Diagnose a problem with the link
Edit a DHCP pool
Enable time synchronization
Enable an uplink port
Enter a password
Export the switch configuration
Import a switch configuration
Monitor DLR status
Refresh communication with the switch
Reset a device
Reset the port diagnostic counters
Reset the ring fault counter
Reset the PRP diagnostic counters
Run Diagnose Cable test
Send configuration settings to the switch
Sort ring members
Starting Private IP Address
Starting Public IP Address
Transition to Run mode behavior
Upload/download a switch configuration file
Verify the last fault location on a port
View port diagnostics
View statistical information about the ring
View the status of the PRP network
All Traffic threshold error
Connection interruption
Connection in use by another device
Device identity mismatch
DLR host name is blank
DLR host name is invalid
DLR IP address is blank
DLR IP address is invalid
Duplicate DLR IP address
Duplicate pool name
Duplicate NAT table instance name
Duplicate private gateway translation IP address
Duplicate public gateway translation IP address
Duplicate private IP address
Duplicate public IP address
Duplicate starting ring member
Duplicate VLAN ID
Ending ring member exceeds the number allowed
Ending ring member is invalid
Failed to download
Failed to enter password
Failed to upload
Fatal error encountered
Grandmaster clock selection priority value is blank
Grandmaster clock selection priority value is invalid
Invalid CIP Security password
Invalid days value
Invalid file extension
Invalid hours value
Invalid IP address
Invalid IP address or subnet mask address
Invalid MAC ID
Invalid minutes value
Invalid NAT table instance name
Invalid password
Password mismatch
Failed to enter password
Invalid private gateway translation IP address
Invalid public gateway translation IP address
Invalid private IP address
Invalid public IP address
Invalid private IP address for the selected subnet mask
Invalid public IP address for the selected subnet mask
Invalid range
Invalid ring member
Invalid space in VLAN name
Invalid switch path
Invalid total power supported value
Invalid threshold value
Invalid VLAN ID
Invalid VLAN name
IP address already assigned to port
IP address already in use
IP address not within range of starting and ending IP addresses
IP address out of range for pool network
IP address over range
IP exists on port
MAC addresses allowed value is invalid
MAC addresses allowed value is blank
Maximum number of instances reached
Maximum number of translation entries per switch reached
Maximum number of translation entries reached
Maximum number of VLANs reached
No ports available
No translation entries associated to the instance
NTP server address value is blank
NTP server address value is invalid
Only first 124 VLANs will be displayed
Pool already exists for DHCP pool network
Port announce interval value is blank
Port announce interval value is invalid
Port announce timeout value is blank
Port announce timeout value is invalid
Port delay request interval value is blank
Port delay request interval value is invalid
Port fault limit value is blank
Port fault limit value is invalid
Port synchronization interval value is blank
Port synchronization interval value is invalid
Power limit value is invalid
Power used value is invalid
Private IP address overlaps existing entries
Public IP address overlaps existing entries
Subnet mask IP address too small
VLAN download cancel
VLAN download retry
VLAN upload retry
What is CIP Sync
DHCP pool name already exists
DHCP pool network IP address exceeds subnet mask
DHCP pool network IP address invalid octet
DHCP pool network IP address too large
Ending IP address not within DHCP pool network
Invalid default gateway IP address
Invalid DHCP pool name
Invalid DHCP pool network IP address
Invalid domain name
Invalid ending IP address
Invalid gateway IP address
Invalid IP address
Invalid lease length
Invalid primary DNS IP address
Invalid primary WINS IP address
Invalid secondary DNS IP address
Invalid secondary WINS IP address
Invalid starting IP address
Invalid subnet mask IP address
Invalid subnet mask value
Invalid threshold value
Starting IP address greater than ending IP address
Starting IP address not within DHCP pool network
Device-defined data types
Device-defined data types (Stratix 2500 5 Port Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 2500 8 Port Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5200 6 Port Managed Switch, Input Data Type)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5200 6 Port Managed Switch, Output Data Type)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5200 10 Port Managed Switch, Input Data Type)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5200 10 Port Managed Switch, Output Data Type)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5200 20 Port Managed Switch, Input Data Type)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5200 20 Port Managed Switch, Output Data Type)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5400 8 Port Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5400 12 Port GB Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5400 12 Port Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5400 16 Port GB Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5400 16 Port Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5400 20 Port GB Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5400 20 Port Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5410 28 Port G Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5410 28 Port GB Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5800 10 Port Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5800 18 Port Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5800 26 Port Managed Switch)
Device-defined data types (Stratix 5800 Managed Data)
Fatal error encountered
A fatal error occurred. Please restart and try again. If the issue persists, please contact Technical Support.
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