Add Product

You can add a Product under the Enterprise or Region. Perform the following steps to add the Product:
  1. Click
    Asset setup
    from the menu bar
  2. Click the [] icon from the Enterprise or Region in the hierarchy list and select [Add node].
  3. In the
    Add Node
    window, set these parameters:
    • Select item type
      : Select the
      radio button in the left pane.
    • Name
      : Provide the product name.
    • Description
      : Provide the description of the product.
    • Functional Location
      : Provide the location details.
      NOTE: Select the
      Auto generate
      check box to use the system-generated functional location.
    • Configuration Status
      : Select the status from the drop-down list.
  4. Click [Add].
    Add Product
    The "
    Product is added under Enterprise or Region successfully
    " message displays.
  5. (Optional) In the
    tab, click [Edit] and perform the following actions:
    • Geographical Location
      : Provide the geographical location.
    • Contact Details
      : Provide the contact details.
    • Remarks
      : Provide the remarks.
    • Click [Save].
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