Remove Favorites

The user can remove Favorites from any cards at any level from the Favorites section. The steps to remove Favorites are similar for all levels of cards.
There are two ways to remove favorites from the card:
  1. The user can remove favorites directly from the card.
  2. The user can remove favorites from the Favorites section.
Perform the following steps to remove favorites directly from the card:
  1. Click the [] icon and click
    Remove from Favorites
    Remove Favorites from Card
  2. In the
    Remove from Favorites
    dialog, click
    Remove Favorites Confirmation Message
    The selected Product is removed from the Favorites section and the favorites icon [] is removed from the selected card. "
    Card removed from favorites successfully
    ” message is displayed.
Perform the following steps to remove favorites from the Region card in the
  1. On the left navigation menu, click
    The Favorites page is displayed with the list of Favorites added cards.
  2. Click the [] icon to view the cards.
  3. Click the [] icon on the respective card.
    Favorites Section
    NOTE: Click on the node name to view the respective node page.
  4. In the
    Remove from Favorites
    dialog, click
    Remove Favorites Confirmation Message
    The selected Product is removed from the Favorites section and the favorites icon [] is removed from the selected card. "
    Card removed from favorites successfully
    ” message is displayed.
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