Setup FTDM Portal for Organization and Configuration

Before setting up the FTDM Portal, the IS application tile and FT Datamosaix tile should be visible and unlocked in the FTHub portal. Perform the following steps to set up the FTDM portal for organization and configurations:
  1. Launch the FTDM application from the tile and in the
    Create project
    dialog, click [Create].to create new project into CDF.
    FDTM Tile
    NOTE: This step needs to be done by the FTHub organization owner(administrator).
    Create Project
  2. Check for new projects in Cognite Data Fusion.
    After project creation and related setup are complete from FTDM, the following message is shown in the FTDM application.
    Notification Message
    Click [Continue to Main Site] icon and log in to the FT DataMosaix using single sign-on. Now the project is created, and the project name should be “organization name without space “  +  “-“  +  “some random number“.
    Continue to Main Site
    FTDM Home page
  3. Create an application in FTDM and copy credentials into the Azure key vault. Click [Create App] to create a new application.
    Create App
    Credentials Details
    Use the “Copy All” option to copy client information into the clipboard and keep it somewhere in Notepad or save it in the preferred editor.
    Application has been created for M2M token and copied information can be used by async jobs.
    Application Token
    Add required information into KV with naming convention like {bpa-tenentid-cdf-client-secret}
    Naming Conventions
    The above mentioned manual steps (1-3) are only applicable when onboarding service is not working as expected.
  4. When some user is onboarded in the FTHub organization, the same user will be available in FTDM in the below section, We need to add access for that user. After proper access roles are added user will be able to see data in IS Application.
    View Users
    Edit Roles
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