- Go to the machine where DataView is installed and add FTA Activation Service hostname (FQDN) and IP address in thehostsfile located atC:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hostsfolder.
- Ensure to create the certificate for FTA Activation Service in the same CA directory where certificates for FTASecurity are generated.
- Go to the machine where DataView is installed and execute the following command to generate the certificates with FTA Activation Service hostname (FQDN).IMPORTANT:The following command is a single line command that appears in two lines. Please combine these two lines into a single line command and then execute it.create-certificate.cmd <FTA_Activation_Service_hostname (FQDN)> <ca-secret-password> <key-password> <trust-password>IMPORTANT:Do not use the word “password” as a password for generating keys and certificates.The following table contains a list of the supported special characters that can be used to create a password for the certificates:Supported Special Characters~{}[]@-_$*+/?:`.NOTE:Combinations of 3 supported special characters in a consecutive pattern may cause unexpected results. For example: ${}The following table contains a list of the unsupported special characters that can be used to create a password for the certificates:Unsupported Special Characters|<>&!\`#%blank'^=;()",
- Copy the<FTA_Activation_Service_hostname (FQDN)>.p12file generated in DataView machine to the FTA Activation Service machine and configure FT Activation Websocket Service. Refer to Configuration section in “2.1.1_FactoryTalk Analytics Activation Service Installation and ConfigurationGuide for 4.01.00 DataView”.
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