Getting Started
- In the browser, use the provided URL:https://<FQDN-hostname>/dataview
- FQDN-hostname:Server or domain where the application is deployed.
- Port:The default HTTPS port is 443. The port number may vary based on installation and configuration.
- The DataView Login page displays.
- Enter the provided Username and Password and then click [Login].Login Page
- The DataView application requests to change the password. Enter the new password and click [Submit].IMPORTANT:Use a complex password as per the company policy.Change PasswordThe DataView Admin Home Page displays.
- On the Home Page, click [View Terms & Conditions] link available on the lower-right side, to view the Rockwell Automation End-User License Agreement ("EULA").
- The EULA document opens in a new tab. Read the agreement carefully and close the EULA tab.
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