Distributed Mode Configuration: Configure DV Client

Perform the following steps if the Distributed Mode was used to install DataView.
  1. Change the working directory to the scripts directory:
    <DataView_HOME>\FTA Security\scripts
  2. Create an admin user account that is used by the remaining setup scripts. Execute the following command:
  3. Log in to Security Provider with the following URL:
  4. The FTA Security login page displays. Click [Enter the Administration Console].
    FTA Security Login
    The Analytics Security Provider homepage displays.
    FTA Security may need to be restarted.
  5. Provide the following credentials and click [Login]:
    Username: admin
    Password: admin
    By default, the above credentials are defined in the
    script file. If user changes the above credentials in the
    script file, then provide the new credential defined.
    Security Admin Login
  6. Execute the following command to delete the admin user:
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