Distributed Mode Configuration: Configure DV Client
Perform the following steps if the Distributed Mode was used to install DataView.
- Change the working directory to the scripts directory:<DataView_HOME>\FTA Security\scripts.
- Create an admin user account that is used by the remaining setup scripts. Execute the following command:fta-setup-admin
- Log in to Security Provider with the following URL:https://<FQDN-hostname>:9043/auth
- The FTA Security login page displays. Click [Enter the Administration Console].FTA Security LoginThe Analytics Security Provider homepage displays.NOTE:FTA Security may need to be restarted.
- Provide the following credentials and click [Login]:Username: adminPassword: adminNOTE:By default, the above credentials are defined in thefta-setup-env.cmdscript file. If user changes the above credentials in thefta-setup-env.cmdscript file, then provide the new credential defined.Security Admin Login
- Execute the following command to delete the admin user:fta-remove-admin
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