Create DataView User

Perform the following step to add DataView Users:
  1. Under the [Manage] section, select the [Users] menu and click [Add user].
    DataView requires Users to have an associated email address. Additionally, DataView does not allow special characters (e.g., '-') in either the first name or last name fields. Choose a Username without special characters and provide an email address while creating the User.
    Add User
  2. Define the details for the DataView User. Click [Save].
    • Provide the First Name of the User, assign the User to a Group, set a User Role and click [Update].
    • From the [Groups] drop-down list, select the [DataView-Users] to assign the User to a Group.
      Users should belong to a single Group. FactoryTalk Analytics applications do not support Users with both Admin and User Roles.
    Add DataView User
    The User management screen displays.
    Save DataView User
  3. Go to the [Credentials] tab and set an initial password for the User. The rest of the parameters are optional.
    Use a complex password as per the company policy.
    The default password policy requires that passwords have a minimum length of 10 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one special character, and one lowercase letter.
  4. Click [Set Password] to save the password for the User.
    Initial Credentials DataView User
  5. The Set Password dialog displays, click [Set Password] to confirm and save the password for the User.
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