
Pre-requisites: None
  1. On the Component Selection screen, select PostgreSQL and click [Next].
    Component Selection
  2. The 'PostgreSQL Configuration' screen displays. Define the following fields:
    • New Password: Provide the password
    • Confirm Password: Re-enter the password
    • Port: Default port number is 5432. It is recommended to use the default port number.
    The following table contains a list of the
    special characters that can be used to create a password for the PostgreSQL user:
    Supported Special Characters
    Combinations of 3 supported special characters in a consecutive pattern may cause unexpected results. For example: ${}
    The following table contains a list of the special characters that are
    not supported
    to create a password for the PostgreSQL user:
    Unsupported Special Characters
    PostgreSQL Configuration
  3. Click [Validate] to verify the provided details. The ‘
    Validation successful
    ’ message displays if the details are valid. Click [Next] to continue.
    Verify PostgreSQL Configuration
  4. The 'Pre-Installation Summary' screen displays. Verify the following:
    • Product Name
    • Install Folder
    • Disk Space Information
    • Install Component(s):
      • Component Name
      • Component Version Numbers
      • Component Port Numbers
        Pre-Installation Summary
  5. Click [Install] to begin the installation. The installation progress screen displays.
  6. The 'Install Complete' screen displays. Click [Done] to close the installer.
    Install Complete
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