
  • Aggregation types can be changed by selecting the measure drop-down list.
    Select Aggregation
  1. The fields or columns loaded in this section are Number or Numeric values. Technically called Integers, Decimals, etc.
  2. Aggregations are applied against the numeric columns in Y-Axis.
  3. The aggregations available are listed below:
    When Direct Query is enabled, refer to the Chart Aggregation section in the “Supported Features - Direct Query and Non-Direct Query” table for the list of aggregations.
    • Sum
    • Min
    • Max
    • Average
    • Variance
    • Standard Deviation
    • Sum of Squares
    • Percentile
    • Median
    • None
    • Count (distinct)
    • Count (all)
    To view the raw data (without aggregation) in the chart, select [None] in Y-Axis.
Chart Settings - Aggregation
  • User can configure multiple aggregate functions on Y-Axis.
: Select the aggregate function,
to Output.
The chart with multiple aggregate functions on Y-Axis displays
Result - Multiple Aggregate Functions
  • In the Direct Query chart, if None aggregation is selected with other aggregations on Y-Axis a warning message ‘If an aggregation is set to None, other Y-Axis values cannot have a different aggregation selected.’ displays.
    Multiple Aggregate Functions Warning Message
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