Bar Time Series Chart

Time Series Bar Charts are used to show the changes in a metric over time as a series of bars. User can also graph multiple series this way, to show the breakdown of a metric across dimensions, and how the values change over time.
  1. Open a Storyboard, hover the mouse on a chart tile and click the [] icon to maximize the tile.
  2. Click the [] icon. The Chart Settings window displays.
    Under the Type tab, the list of available chart types display.
  3. Click [Bar Chart]. The available chart models display.
  4. Select the [Bar Time Series] chart from the Bar Chart section.
    Chart Settings
    A Warning message displays when Time Series chart is selected.
  5. Under the Configuration tab, provide the following properties:
    • Y-Axis: Select the desired attribute using the [] icon. User can select multiple Y-Axis values for this chart.
    • X-Axis: Select a date attribute on X-Axis to generate Time Series chart, by using the [] icon.
      An error message displays if the date attribute is not selected on X-Axis.
    • Legend: Select the desired field from the drop-down list to apply a different series on top of X-Axis or Y-Axis for comparing the available data.
    • Tooltip: User can select the values to be displayed on the tooltip.
    • Min/Max: User can select the Minimum and Maximum values to display on chart.
    • Reference Line: User can set the properties to view the Reference Line on the Chart.
      The Reference Line option is not available, if the Storyboard is generated with direct query.
  6. Under the Style tab, User can change the following:
    • Chart Theme: Change the theme color.
    • Chart Settings: User can enable or disable the following options:
      • Chart Title, Cross Hairs, Data Label, and Grid Line.
  7. Click [Apply].
    Chart Settings
    The Time Series Bar chart displays.
    Time SeriesĀ Bar Chart
  8. Click theĀ [] icon to minimize the chart. The updated Storyboard displays.
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