Mapped Filters

Mapped filters option is available only for the Storyboards created with pre-configured templates. Allows User to apply filter with more than one column from multiple datasets.
Example: For Mapped filter if Shift column is selected it applies to the dataset1.shift, dataset2.shiftname columns in different datasets.
  1. On the Storyboard, click the [] icon.
    Pre-configured Storyboard - Filter
    The Filter window displays.
  2. Click [Add Filters] and the Choose a Filter dialog displays.
  3. Under Column Mapping section select the required columns and click [Next].
    Mapped filter does not have Numeric field in Column Mappings.
    Select Column Mappings
    User can select multiple columns for Column Mapping. If the selected columns have a large data, it takes time to load the page.
  4. Click the [] icon and select the columns to apply filters.
  5. Click [Add].
    Add Mapped Filter
    The [Apply] option is enabled only when the new columns are added, or existing columns modified in order to apply filter. Once the filter is applied, the [Apply] option is disabled.
  6. Click [Apply].
    Apply Mapped Filter
  7. Click [Multiple Datasets] to view the column Mapping details.
    Column Mapping Details
  8. Click the [] icon to close the Filters window.
    The Storyboard with applied Filters display.
    Updated Storyboard - Mapped Filter
  9. When the User changes the dataset for any chart tile the Mapped filter on the chart is updated.
    Mapped Filters - Storyboard with Updated Dataset
  10. Click [Save Changes] to save the Storyboard with the applied Mapped filters.
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