Configure Kerberos with FTASecurity

It is difficult to manage the users when Kerberos is directly configured with FTASecurity as the Admin User need to manually assign the groups to every user.
Perform the following steps to configure Kerberos with FTASecurity:
  1. Login to the client machine with the configured username and password.
  2. Login to the FTASecurity with given username and password to configure FTASecurity.
  3. Navigate to User Federation menu and select [Kerberos] from the [Add provider] drop-down list.
    Get the keytab file from the machine where the Active directory and kerberos are configured.
  4. Define the following parameters:
    • Kerberos Realm
    • Server Principal
    • KeyTab
  5. Click [Save].
    Kerberos Parameters
  6. Navigate to Authentication menu. In the Flow tab, select the [Alternative] option for Kereberos in the table.
    Kerberos Alternative
  7. Login to client machine (windows 7) added to domain. For example: Log in with Kerberos user name (johnsonjohnson@rockwell.local) and password (Welcome@123).
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