LDAP Groups for Edge

This is not applicable while upgrading DataView and DataFlowML.
Edge 3.0 supports two type of users: Edge-Design-Users and Edge-View-Users. The Edge-Admin-Users from Edge version 2.2 should have the ‘design’ role in Edge 3.0.
The migration script replaces the 'admin' role for the Edge-Admin-Users group with the 'designuser' role in the Security Provider. So, by default, any user assigned to the Edge-Admin-Users group will automatically get the 'designuser' role.
If the LDAP (User Federation) server has the Edge-Admin-Users group, the users in the group will have the same role as of the Edge-Design-Users group. However, it is recommended that the users from the Edge-Admin-Users group are moved to the Edge-Design-Users group.
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